Deep Bot - Twitch Streamer Assistant

Deep Bot => Feature Requests => Topic started by: Nirvana9832 on July 08, 2014, 08:32:59 PM

Title: Music Volume Equalizer.
Post by: Nirvana9832 on July 08, 2014, 08:32:59 PM
This is something that kind of bugs me each day, more than anything else. The bot, is 100% amazing, it just gets frustrating having to mess with the volume, for almost each song, roughly every 5 minutes.

Youtube songs, have a large range of volumes that the songs play at. Maybe some kind of equalizer, that can read the sound levels, and make the volume slider keep that volume at around the same volume throughout, would be awesome.
Also, Maybe a search function (such as Ctrl+f) in the playlist, so i can find a song in my large playlist. but that's not as important.

Also, small feature, would be to be able to re size the window of the bot, to make it smaller or larger.

great work :)
Title: Re: Music Volume Equalizer.
Post by: GeneralHorsch on July 08, 2014, 08:54:16 PM
Title: Re: Music Volume Equalizer.
Post by: Izlsnizzt on July 08, 2014, 08:59:01 PM
This was definitely considered but sidelined due to the complexity of adding a replay gain system in to the internal (flash) music player.  It may be considered again in the future but for now its not really a value added solution due to the time investment required for one feature.
Title: Re: Music Volume Equalizer.
Post by: Nirvana9832 on July 08, 2014, 10:27:39 PM
I understand. as stated in another post talking about it, saying it would be difficult. I wonder if there is another app that could be used to aid this idea. Anyone else have any ideas?
Title: Re: Music Volume Equalizer.
Post by: Izlsnizzt on July 08, 2014, 11:37:55 PM
It's probable that you could Virtual Audio Cables to run DeepBot through a software compressor before output to the main channel.  It's a stretch but it might work.