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Messages - WiiDEVil

Pages: [1]
*reapplication as i didnt include twitch bot account* 

Where did you hear about DeepBot from? - From my server host, fellow streamers and watching streams myself
    Your stream name? My stream name is - BWAF_WiiDEVil
    Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to) - wiidevil_bot
    Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time] - Dont have a schedule yet, stream whenever i can and when i host event ect, but soon to have a regular schedule in place
    Is your stream partnered with Twitch? - No, early stages :)
    Average number of users on your channel? Around 10 without much effort, again early stages, want to be setup properly with the best software :)
    Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.  - Nothing to migrate
*Donation made already apon recomendation from friends, GG look forward to using the software :) *

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

    Where did you hear about DeepBot from? From my server host, fellow streamers and watching streams myself
    Your stream name? My stream name is - BWAF_WiiDEVil
    Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to) Currently dont use any bots, my account name is BWAF_WiiDEVil ,
    Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time] Dont have a schedule yet, stream whenever i can and when i host event ect, but soon to have a regular schedule in place
    Is your stream partnered with Twitch? No, early stages :)
    Average number of users on your channel? Around 10 without much effort, again early stages, want to be setup properly with the best software :)
    Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.  - Nothing to migrate
Donation made already apon recomendation from friends, GG look forward to using the software :)

System Edit : Incorrect bot account.Please provide a valid twitch account that the bot will use to connect to twitch servers with. This can't be the same account as the stream account.

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