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Messages - Isaak_312

Pages: [1]
1. I first heard about deepbot from the twitch streamer Sataana
2. My Stream name is Isaak_312
3. IsaakBot
4. Normally i would stream everyday 7-10
5. unfortunately my stream is not a partner with twitch
6. The average number of people on my twitch stream is anything from 2-10 as i have just started up
7. I do not have a points system, but i do already use Nightbot

I look forward to your reply, i will also be spreading the word about your product  :)

Experts Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta is only open to donors. Please see first post for more details.

1. I heard about deep bot when i was watching Sataana
2. Isaak_312
3. Isaak_312
4. Everyday 3pm-10pm
5. No my stream is not partnered with twitch
6. At the moment i have just started i have around 4-5, but i'm sure the more i stream the more i will grow, and i think your program will allow me to do that
7. No i do not, again i think the point system, will allow more viewers to have fun whilst watching my stream.
I have also spread the word about your program, keep up the good work  :)

Experts Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta is only open to donors. Please see first post for more details.

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