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Messages - VibeRaider

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Feature Requests / Re: Reduced Points for Nonfollowers?
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:58:19 AM »
Ah okay, interesting. Well, it'd be nifty if Twitch let us check followers! :D

Any idea/reason why they don't allow for it?

Feature Requests / Re: Reduced Points for Nonfollowers?
« on: July 04, 2015, 05:31:17 AM »

How does it gather that info? Its able to date when people followed and such. Sorry for questions, just really confused.

Feature Requests / Re: Reduced Points for Nonfollowers?
« on: July 04, 2015, 04:30:50 AM »
How does it show on my user DB who is and isn't following?

Feature Requests / Reduced Points for Nonfollowers?
« on: July 04, 2015, 01:49:33 AM »
So I am doing a giveaway and I am at a size where I can still easily thumb through my channel and notice there are people blatantly trying to giveaway snipe. So I was thinking of ways to nullify that(Quite honestly, if they don't watch, then I simply don't care about turning them away from my stream) and someone mentioned this idea of reduced point gain for people not following. I was wondering if we could maybe divide out the regular classification for points to "Non Follower and Follower" to help deter that kind of thing? Its a small solution and not even a big deal, just curious if this is something that could be considered?

Help/Support / Re: deep bot disconnecting after 30 seconds
« on: June 06, 2015, 05:53:35 AM »
I am now having this problem on using port 80. I switched to 6667 and seems to have "worked" for now. Is there any reason I should get back to 80 ASAP?

Do you mean what program was doing it? Because I honestly don't even remember. I was never hit by it, it was another person. And as I said, in future I'll screen posts because I didn't expect a deletion like that, no more of that. Was really just trying to help make it aware here, lesson learned to take damn pictures or C/P content for you guys. :D

Sorry I just got back to this. Unfortunately I didn't get to catch a name. I wasn't the OP, just someone who saw the correlation and wanted to pass the word just so you guys are aware. Next time I see something I'll grab an image so it can't disappear on me!

Also, will check into that program, but generally I am very protective about what I download. I just don't give leniency to anything I don't trust, don't care if I end up missing out on something occasionally because of it. :D


Saw this tonight, obviously not really on you, but I figured I'd at least point you to the information about it. Possibly a warning of some kind so people who do a google search find out quickly its a scam attempt? You seem like a really flexible dev and I don't want the bot name even remotely tied to this BS.

Help/Support / Slow/Unresponsive
« on: February 23, 2015, 05:09:21 AM »
Today I noticed that our bot was struggling to keep up with command requests. I've never noticed this before, but it seems like people were unable to execute some commands at all, others it would take time. I only have a 15 second anti-spam cooldown but these are several different commands having these issues. Any idea if something is going on or just maybe an isolated incident?

I am up to date on the latest version and didn't just update, so skeptical it is related to that.

Bug Reports / Ranks Reset
« on: February 19, 2015, 01:28:06 PM »
Just did the latest update. Super happy for custom join messages to return! But um, unfortunately it seems to have reset my ranks.txt file losing my custom ranks. Fortunately not a big loss(was going to redo anyway), but that kind of sucks and am not sure if that will happen in future updates or what caused it. Figured I'd let ya know its what happened for me.

Help/Support / Highlight Command Location
« on: February 01, 2015, 05:52:27 PM »
So after someone performs the !highlight command in channel(Mod), where is the local file created at? Having no luck finding it...

Help/Support / Re: Custom Welcome Messages Not Showing
« on: January 27, 2015, 07:29:52 AM »
Thank you! And happy to help, my viewers love it!

Help/Support / Re: Custom Welcome Messages Not Showing
« on: January 25, 2015, 07:24:03 AM »
I am VIP.

Already did that. As I said, this all worked fine before, nothing has changed other than what I suspect was around an update where it stopped working. So I think it is either a config I have to turn back on or it isn't working again(There was a point a while back where the custom join message for users wasn't working, but was fixed in an update.).

So I'm VIP, messages have been the same for over 2 months now I believe, worked up until about 2-3 weeks ago, hasn't worked since. I have changed no settings to stop it from working.

Help/Support / Custom Welcome Messages Not Showing
« on: January 25, 2015, 01:24:41 AM »
I have tried searching for this already, but it seems the current topics are addressing the generic welcome to all people, not custom ones set for specific users.

I had these setup to work fine, then about 2-3 weeks ago they stopped working. I suspect by now if not fixed, then there is a setting I need to change. Can anyone help?

(To be clear, I only want to have it welcome 3 specific users, not a group or everyone. It worked fine before, isn't working now. I do remember before it was working that there was an issue with it that got resolved.)

Help/Support / Re: Chat CSS Explanation?
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:38:24 AM »
That is if you are a VERY advanced user.  You can use the chat link without modifying the CSS and it will look perfect, it isn't like the Follow/Donation one where you must change it for your channel, just enable it in the bot.  If you don't like the color, sizing, etc. of it, you can post what you want it to be in the custom notifications section, and then we can modify the CSS for you.  In short, you can just leave the CSS to have a nice looking chat. :)

Awesome. I will get my shovel out and dig into it a bit more. I guess my first question is: should this CSS replace everything in the OBS CSS window or should I paste it below the last default line, like I have done w/ the other CSS stuff? Second question, it looks like it may be possible for us to make our own icons in place of the default stuff(Like VIP Bronze and such), am I mistaken or can we change that w/ that CSS?

Huge thanks for this support, really REALLY nice to get support with this stuff where my experience is that people don't want to really support products well anymore.

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