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Messages - RoB1771

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Re: Viewers Losing Random Amounts Of Currency
« on: February 28, 2014, 01:11:02 AM »
Thank you Sir, When this issue is Fixed the bot will be running absolutly flawlessly for me

Help/Support / Re: Deepbot using too much CPU?
« on: February 26, 2014, 10:51:22 PM »
put a house fan on high and point it at your CPU... seriously not Joking. it will keep you from losing frames. or get a corsair 110i CPU Cooler.

Bug Reports / Viewers Losing Random Amounts Of Currency
« on: February 25, 2014, 12:09:15 AM »
So, This Issue has been going on for a while now it seems, I Dont know why its happening and i dont know if its happening to anyone other than Me, But, The Issue Is, People are losing Random Amounts Of Currency randomly. Some Lose 200 others lose 1000 . I go over chat and nothing was purchased, nothing was added or subtracted. Just gives them a lower Ammount of currency . The Coinsiding Issue i notice is the Time Watched For the user that lost the Currency Drops to 0.0Hrs Watched. Mybe this has something to do with it?

If im able to do something about it pleas let me know, I have been using a pretty unstable internet lately the past 3 weeks or so. And I Leave the bot up 24/7 . Is it better to Start it when i go live and end it when i get off? Im Not sure how it was designed. Thanks for your time , -Fusion

Bug Reports / Not Showing Bot Responces To !Commands In DeepBot Chat.
« on: February 23, 2014, 12:23:42 AM »
Title Says It, Is there an option for this to be changed? i think it displayed it when i first started using the bot, i cant remember..

Pre-release Feedback / Latest Update 02/17/2014
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:31:50 AM »
What a Great Update, The Chat colors and fonts Ability to be changed is fantastic , thank you so much for that. Also It seems the issue a few of my viewers were having is now fixed, may have been my machine, not sure. Also, I Noticed the Sub Notifier And Donation Notifier Options Starting to Come through At the bottom Right of the Config Page, Are we supposed to be able to use those yet? Mine Are greyed out? Maybe cuz I'm not a Partner on twitch yet? or is it because its not Live yet?

Bottom Line, You Are Doing A really Great Job! Keep It Up Man, you will have a really nice payday the moment you push this live (if you charge for it) And i think u should, too much time and skill to give it away..

Bug Reports / Users Losing There Currency
« on: February 17, 2014, 01:52:02 PM »
Had a couple people in my stream notice there currency was reset or something. When i went to look at the user data page i saw there time watched went to 0 from watever it was at. this happened to 2 people, not sure what they did that made it happen but if anyone else notices it maybe they will know more about what happened when it occured?

Pre-release Feedback / Latest Update
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:05:35 AM »
Latest Update is Great, Is caused the start up and running of it much less laggy , Good job

Name Changes / Name Change Help
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:04:17 AM »
Hi There , I Need some assistance , Using this bot has actually boosted my viewerbase by more than i expected, as of now there has been nothing to complain about at all, things work flawlessly. Before i start getting bigger and bigger on twitch i need to pick a perminant name, So i Did just that. (Rob1771 Just Isnt Cool lol) So, Ive Made a New Name On Twitch, New Bot Name And Everything. I See here i cant change my login information for the bot.

Anyways, What im asking is, Can i please have my Stream Settings changed? So i can use this bot Under my perminant name?

Thanks For the Assistance, I Sent you an email About the new and old Info im needing to change from. I Sent it to your Doopbot email and your twitch email as well.. Thank you for your help. Also, Let me know when my name has changed so i can make another donation under that name.

Help/Support / Xsplit and Now playing/Raffle timer
« on: January 17, 2014, 06:20:39 AM »
Are the timer inputs able to be put in Xsplit as well as OSB? or just OSB?

Help/Support / What is a Keyword Raffle?
« on: January 06, 2014, 01:45:05 AM »
Anyone Able to shed some light on exactly what a keyword raffle is? or how its diffrent from a regular raffle?

Where did you hear about DeepBot from?
Mod bot developer, datmodz streamer, and another fellow streamer

Your stream name?

Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account you own that the bot will connect to)

Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]
Can't stream till my bot works again, considering my entire stream worked off mod bot the developer sent me here... I need this acceptance to closed beta.

Is your stream partnered with Twitch?
Not yet

Average number of users on your channel?
5-15 without a bot

Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.
No, I'm going to wipe the entire point system and start over fresh so nobody has an advantage when I return.

Note: Sent a Donation Via Paypal to support the development, have a diablo donation to make as well.

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

Either Way, Donation Sent, And Diablo 3 Donation Incoming, I Want this To Release So i Can Get My Stream Off the Ground Again, Thanks For your Consideration :)

    Where did you hear about DeepBot from : Modz (Streamer DatModz)
    Your stream name? : RoB1771 [Twitch.Tv/Rob1771]
    Twitch bot account name? : Robbot1771
    Your streaming schedule? : 5Days A Week 2-6Hrs Or 4-8Hrs Depending On Viewers and Requests.
    Is your stream partnered with Twitch? : Negative
    Average number of users on your channel? :  10-45 Depending On the Day And Time
    Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? :  Negative, Wiping All Old Bot Data Starting Over.

    About Me: My Name Is Rob And I'm a Disabled Combat Veteran of the Iraq War. The status of disabled actually benefits my ability to stream giving i no longer have work to balance my life around, lol more like balance my life around gaming and streaming now. I recently bought my first house and when i was moving i stopped streaming for about a week or so. My Stream was up for about 90 days and i got over 12,000 Views and around 100 Followers. If i was allowed entry into the Closed Beta of this bot i assure you i can Double what Ive done already Through Giveaways and Token Usage. As you can see i use the tokens as a sort of in stream store where viewers can Purchase items and donate items for tokens as well as generate them while watching the stream live or not. Pretty awesome actually. Please Consider my application for the beta and i will do my best to report back with the info you need. 

Experts Edit : Application unsuccessful. Stream frequency too low and Viewer count currently too low.

Closed Beta Applications / Re: Closed Beta Applications Phase 2 - Now Open
« on: December 19, 2013, 04:46:05 AM »
    Where did you hear about DeepBot from : Modz (Streamer DatModz)
    Your stream name? : RoB1771 [Twitch.Tv/Rob1771]
    Twitch bot account name? : Robbot1771
    Your streaming schedule? : 5Days A Week 2-6Hrs Or 4-8Hrs Depending On Viewers and Requests.
    Is your stream partnered with Twitch? : Negative
    Average number of users on your channel? :  10-45 Depending On the Day And Time
    Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? :  Negative, Wiping All Old Bot Data Starting Over.

    About Me: My Name Is Rob And I'm a Disabled Combat Veteran of the Iraq War. The status of disabled actually benefits my ability to stream giving i no longer have work to balance my life around, lol more like balance my life around gaming and streaming now. I recently bought my first house and when i was moving i stopped streaming for about a week or so. My Stream was up for about 90 days and i got over 12,000 Views and around 100 Followers. If i was allowed entry into the Closed Beta of this bot i assure you i can Double what Ive done already Through Giveaways and Token Usage. As you can see i use the tokens as a sort of in stream store where viewers can Purchase items and donate items for tokens as well as generate them while watching the stream live or not. Pretty awesome actually. Please Consider my application for the beta and i will do my best to report back with the info you need. 

Experts Edit : Application unsuccessful. Stream frequency too low and Viewer count currently too low.

Streamer Introductions / ***RoB1771 On Twitch.Tv/Rob1771***
« on: December 19, 2013, 04:31:17 AM »
       Hello Everyone, My Name Is Rob, And My Battle Tag is RoB#1771. My Stream Is Typically Featuring Diablo3 Or World Of Warcraft. Below is a list of Things i Do and Will assist in If Anyone Wants my Input :) I Hope To See you guys Soon In The Stream!!! Also, If you notice I Already have a token system set up in my stream called Baller Billz , this entire token system will be replaced by The Bot offered Here, all values Will stay the same and i really encourage you to take a look at everything i have posted on my profile. Have a great rest of the day and If you guys want to stop by don't hesitate!!

       **If you are about to accomplish a D3 Accomplishment And Want it on stream Write me an inbox Message and I Will Do My Best To Broadcast it

       Gear-Checks - Gear checks Are Done On A First Come First Serve Basis, Subscribers and Donators Get First Priority For Everything. Please Plan For your gear-check To Take An Hour Long. (This service is for Monks and 0-Dog WD Only)

       Set Building Service - I Will Build Your Character a set for any reason u have, Just please Understand The more money it cost to make the set the longer it takes. Reason Being, Is Its Alot Harder to Find A GG Item in the set that will compliment all other items as well, Compared to making a 50M Budget Set Taking Only 30Min (Sets Are For 0-Dog WD | Monks Only)

       **I Will Not Charge Anyone For Any Service As Long As you are a follower And Supporter of the stream [Even Still, All Donations Are Greatly Appreciated!]

If My Hours Don't Work For you Please Tell Me What Does So I Can Adjust It For Everyone

       ***I'm New to this bot but Not new to Twitch. I Was Streaming Diablo 3 Strictly For a few months And am now seeming to xfer over to World Of Warcraft Slowly. The Beta Has made it not that fun for me knowing everything i obtain will be wiped.

       Where are you Located? -- I Live in Colorado Springs, CO At the Moment . I Was living in Boston for the last 7 years, Born and raised in Southern California, Moved around A lot and spent 8 Years with the United States Army.

       What is the name of your Kitty/Puppy? -- Bella and yes, she was a German Rottweiler.(Bella Has Died to Parvo) The Kitty's Name Is Hemingway And is 8 Months Old.

      What is your server? -- US-illidan (Horde) -- Diablo 3 (US)

       Can I add you to Real-ID? -- I only add people that I know, see in chat often or people that donate. I give priority to these for joining me and my friends in LFG or BGs. But if you are in chat and want in for a group I will add you to Real-ID temporarily, just so you can join the group, or to claim your giveaway.

       How often do you stream? -- I stream everyday. 4-8 hours depending on how much free time i have that day, I'm a Disabled vet so there's a lot of free time these days lol. The more people who enjoy it, the more i will stream.

       What do you do for a living? -- I spent a total of 26 Months in the Desert of Iraq and the outcome of that was me Becoming 100% Disabled in the Veteran Hospitals eyes. I also go to School for Graphic Design now, as i have already finished my degree in Automotive tech And Electronics Engineering. The GI Bill pays for school so I'd be a fool not to go.

       Do you play other games? -- Not as much or as often as I play WoW, but I play GW2, Diablo3 (more lately), Smite, LoL, And Every High Ranked FPS Game Out There.

       Are you a Social Person? -- I am a little apprehensive when it comes to people I don't know, and I'm working with the Wounded Warrior Project And The VA to get over this feeling I have, it's a by-product of the Deployments to Iraq. Regardless, I would love to meet new people in my area for whatever, i just moved here not too long ago so it would be nice to meet fellow gamers or Vets outside of the internet as well, But for now, this will have to do.

      ***If you are new here please be patient with me, Ive only been Up on twitch for a shot time and am doing everything i can to get these features up and running for everyone to Benefit | Compensate | And enjoy!***

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