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Messages - Ghroznak

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Latest follower Command.
« on: May 02, 2015, 03:46:18 PM »
I endorse this :)

I'm not a big streamer so I don't get constant follower 'spam' as it were. And since I don't have a sub button there's no option for a "Last subscriber" setup. Would be nice to just have a "Latest follower: @lastfollower@" line on the stream.

It would be very nice for smaller streamers for sure.

Feature Requests / Command for viewer to see what next rank is?
« on: May 02, 2015, 03:44:10 PM »
We already have @pointstolevelup@ which works fine.

But I often get question what the next rank is.

I've made a command that simply states:

@user@ requires @pointstolevelup@ points for next rank.

However, I would like it to say:

@user@ requires @pointstolevelup@ points to reach @nextrank@

Would this be possible to implement?

Streamer Introductions / Orcish Greetings to all!
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:50:46 PM »
Great to meet you all!

I'm an orcish gamer from Norway. Been gaming since I could 'Press Play on Tape' so yeah, older than some mountains. As for streaming I've been doing it for awhile now ( and it's always been a challenge to find a bot that can do what I want it to do. Some do chat moderation, others do raffles well. Some do minigames, and none do streamlabels.

So I found DeepBot... and just got into DeepBot myself. Truly enjoying it so far and absolutely love the customization.

I've already rewritten the entire !bankheist to suit my Orcish style and allowing viewers to go on !orcraids instead! Brilliant stuff! Love that customization!

With DeepBot it will really improve the stream (and has already)!

Thanks for reading and Keep streamin~!

General Discussion / Stream ranks based on points - scaling
« on: April 10, 2015, 02:02:20 PM »
I prefer to have the ranks based on points, rather than hours watched.

By using points instead of hours the viewers could level down if they fail their minigames or spend to many points (at least I think they would lose rank if they lost too many points??? Not tested it yet though).

The whole idea is that the points are 'Orcs' the viewers have to use on !orcraids rather than !bankheist and so on.

Anyways, the issue at hand.

When loading in the default values for ranks it shows the rank requirement in minutes, then switching to points it remains the same. By doing the math (with 715.000 points required for top rank and a default rate of 1 point per 5 minutes, i.e. 12 per hour), it will take 715.000 / 12 = 59583 hours total. If you watch a stream 24/7/365 it will take you 6.8 years to get top rank. If you only stream 6 hours per day it will take 27 years.

Obviously it needs to be tweaked.

So has anyone else scaled their points down to get a reasonable ranking up ?

How long should it take to reach the 42nd rank do you think? ... 1 year? 2 years? Less? More?

General Discussion / Re: So tired of bots entering giveaways....
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:46:14 PM »
I was thinking about doing give-aways this weekend.

How frequent are these bots?

Do they just 'spam' !ticket or !raffle into the chat to participate?

Would like for the raffles to go to actual, well, people... and not some jerks scripted bot.

How do the bots know there is a give-away? Do you put in "give away" in your broadcast title field? If that's what they home in on then just don't have it in the title field?

Hoping this won't be an issue...

Feature Requests / Re: Chat moderation!
« on: April 10, 2015, 01:40:28 PM »
Jumping in to support this suggestion.

Currently I am using MooBot for chat moderation such as spam filter, profanity filter, banned word list and link permissions.

The whole reason why I wanted to switch to DeepBot was to have an 'all in one' package, thus only needed one bot rather than relying on multiple bots and external features.

Before DeepBot I was using a combination of Moobot, Nightbot and TwitchAlerts.

DeepBot is doing everything I need and more (yay loyalty points!) so it makes me a little sad to have to still rely on Moobot and/or Nightbot for the chat moderation.

I do understand the reasoning with those bots doing a better job (currently at least) so it may not be a priorit for DeepBot development right now. But I am really hoping chat moderation will be incorporated into DeepBot in the future so it truly becomes the 'one stop shop' for Streamer needs.

I've discussed DeepBot with other streamers and very often I run into the reasoning where people question why they should go for DeepBot if they still have to have MooBot/Nightbot running anyways. With chat moderation implemented in DeepBot these arguments would simply fall away and DeepBot would be an obvious choice.

Anyways, I love DeepBot and really hope this can be added to the Bot :)

If you agree with the above and wish to apply for this closed beta, please reply here with:

1) Where did you hear about DeepBot from?

From viewers in my own channel, as well as other streamers and their viewers.

2) Your stream name?


3) Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)


4) Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time]

I stream most days, but schedule is not set in stone and some days I have a break off or can't stream due to IRL intervening.
All hours are in Central European Time (CET)

Mon: 5pm-10pm CET
Tue: 5pm-10pm CET
Wed: 5pm-10pm CET
Thu: 5pm-10pm CET
Fri: 5pm-whenver tired CET

Sat: 6pm-whenever tired CET
Sun: 6pm-10pm CET

5) Is your stream partnered with Twitch?


6) Average number of users on your channel?

Between 10-30 depending on which game is being streamed and time of day.

7) Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using.


Thanks for reading.


System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

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