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Messages - Oilerz

Pages: [1]
JUST DONATED $10![re=app]

1) I heard from Deepbot from my streaming group. Mainly everyone in the group has it so I decided why not give it a shot
2) My twitch channel is available at
3)The bot  that I have setup is OilerBot
4) My schedule is as listed :
All in EST.

Monday - 7pm-9:30pm
Tuesday - Day Off
Wednesday - 7pm-9:30pm
Thursday - 7pm - 9:30pm
Friday - 6pm - 10pm
Satiurday - 6pm - 10pm
Sunday - 6pm - 9pm
Holidays - As Long As I Can!

Sometimes, I cannot stream. I do attend high school so I get tests/projects/homework. So don't Completely rely on this schedule but this is what it should be looking like

5) No I am not partnered with Twitch
6) The average amount of people that I get per stream is about 15-30
7)I currently do not have a bot which is why I would really like this one! :)

Anyways, thanks for taking your time to read my application! I really like what your doing with this bot and keep up the good work!

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Deepbot Application!

1) I heard from Deepbot from my streaming group. Mainly everyone in the group has it so I decided why not give it a shot
2) My twitch channel is available at
3)The bot  that I have setup is OilerBot
4) My schedule is as listed :
All in EST.

Monday - 7pm-9:30pm
Tuesday - Day Off
Wednesday - 7pm-9:30pm
Thursday - 7pm - 9:30pm
Friday - 6pm - 10pm
Satiurday - 6pm - 10pm
Sunday - 6pm - 9pm
Holidays - As Long As I Can!

Sometimes, I cannot stream. I do attend high school so I get tests/projects/homework. So don't Completely rely on this schedule but this is what it should be looking like

5) No I am not partnered with Twitch
6) The average amount of people that I get per stream is about 15-30
7)I currently do not have a bot which is why I would really like this one! :)

Anyways, thanks for taking your time to read my application! I really like what your doing with this bot and keep up the good work!

System Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta requires a minimum entry fee of $10. Please see first post for more details.

Streamer Introductions / Fairly New Awesome Streamer!
« on: April 26, 2015, 02:33:45 AM »
Hey guys! Oilerz here, and I have been streaming for about one month now and I thought that I should spread my channel so others can enjoy as well :)

If your interested in my streams, feel free to go to

See you there!

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