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Topics - Jagmas

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Host Mode Queue
« on: July 25, 2014, 02:58:59 AM »
I would like to see Deepbot have the ability to set a rotation for the new host mode announced by twitch

Basically give deepbot the ability to determine if a stream is up and if it is not, switch to next hosted stream in the rotation. It would be a great way to have a 24/7 stream going on within your channel if you setup a rotation mixed with people that streamed throughout the day and night.

In testing when you do the /host <channel> command it changes to the specified channel and you can only switch a number of times per 30 minutes. It would also be nice to prioritize the streams in case two streamers were streaming at the same time that you wanted for your channel.

Help/Support / Timed Message problem
« on: May 11, 2014, 08:18:48 AM »
First of all, this bot is pretty damn awesome. That being said I seem to be having an issue with timed messages. I have two messages set, one to a webpage and another to twitter. both are enabled and the counter was set to 10 minutes. I have set the Min Chat lines to 2 (down from what I believe default was 50). When it reaches zeros nothing happens and the count is not reset. There is no entry in the chat tab nor on twitch. I have to disable and renable for the count to start again. Any ideas?

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