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Topics - Moobage

Pages: [1]
I keep getting this message, i have changed the ports and still the same message. I have run the program as administrator and still getting it. HELPP!!!

Help/Support / Ok so my user database wiped itself..
« on: June 24, 2014, 05:46:24 AM »
I've been using this bot for a while now and i'm rewarding the top viewers on my channel in 7 days all of a sudden the whole database was wiped and everyones back to 0 hours, is there anyway to rollback or is there gonna be any data I can salvage?

Help/Support / Is there anyway to reset hours?
« on: June 13, 2014, 06:36:32 PM »
I currently hold a monthly competition on stream where to top 20 viewers with the most watched time get prizes but I wana know if i can reset their times if so, how do i do it?

As the title suggest I edited my twitch accounts username in the user database and now it's no longer streamer class
how do i undo this damage because I can no longer use some commands, maybe also could you add an option that stops the streamer class from being un-set?

Any help will be much appreciated

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