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Topics - SFG_Killswitch

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Everything but the bot authorization is working.
« on: August 21, 2014, 10:41:33 PM »
I tried the ctrl shift c and then the v to paste it all but still keeps saying incorrect login please login to twitch bot account. But everytime I go to log into to get the authorization and clears out my username and password and goes back to a blank field again. Please get back with me as soon as you can, I would like to be able to use this program for I go live at 2pm!

Help/Support / Deepbot still not giving me an authorized password..
« on: August 19, 2014, 09:50:19 AM »
I've tried everything from allowing the websites to be trusted, there are no pop up blockers, it is just simply not working. I uninstalled and reinstalled and its still NOT working. Please help me with this, this is getting to the point where it is VERY frustrating....

Help/Support / Cant get deepbot to authorize for Mozilla
« on: August 18, 2014, 02:33:19 AM »
Everytime I go to authorize the username and password it just blips and clears everything out and is not generating a password so I can use the program. I use mozilla as my web browser please help I was going to use this for my stream tonight but now i guess not..

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