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Topics - Ruylow

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Chat bug
« on: October 23, 2016, 05:06:00 AM »
Bug:Writing in Chat not working
Info:I open deepbot, stream is live, i type anything in deepbot chat section, and hit enter, my written text dont appear in chat box or anywhere.I still need to use twitch page to write my comments in chat
How you produced this bug or came across it:from the 1st dayI use deepbot it was there

Name Changes / nAME CHANGE
« on: October 09, 2016, 11:56:12 PM »
Current Stream Name:ruylow
Current Bot Name:ruylow

New Stream Name:animeworldop
New Bot Name:Luffy

Help/Support / Cant login into bot server
« on: October 09, 2016, 02:09:22 AM »
Hello, just now purchased beta Deepbot. my email says>
Your stream 'ruylow' has been permissioned to connect to the DeepBot servers using bot account 'Luffy'. Start your DeepBot experience by hitting the download button below.<<
I started the program I had no problem to login into streamer Login section.
But Bot Login section gives me this error > Incorrect account Login.You have logged into account ''ruylow'', while your licence only permits twitch account ''Luffy''. I know that I gave my bot name Lyffy, so why I cant log into it?
So into field>Bot twitch name i put ''Luffy'' right?
In stream Name I should put what?
Points name I leave Points.
But when I press Oauth password I get that error. So what should I do to fix it?

Pages: [1]