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Topics - RuschGaming

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Request For DeepBot Games
« on: April 06, 2016, 11:34:47 AM »
It would be nice to have this feature to allow our selfs to add another game that is similar to the bankheist but then change the value etc cause i have a few ideas but i would like to keep bankheist and just copy another one and change the text and values for example a russian roulette where everyone can join in and we could make more out of it.

Streamer Introductions / RuschGaming Twitch
« on: September 15, 2014, 01:08:15 AM »
    A little about me:
    Been a streamer since 2012, Changed my name to a different username due to twitch doesnt allow name changes cause i didnt wanted to focus on one game anymore. I am 26 years old and I am from the Netherlands.

    Stream link :

    Social Links:


    • Be respectful to other viewers in chat.
    • No Drama in chat.
    • Do not ask for free stuff, nothing is free in life not even APB ;P
    • Nightbot Music is enabled, if you post troll songs you will be instant banned.
    • Always ask permission to post a link and explain what it is.
    • Do not trash talk on this forum post or on stream.

    Games I Play:

    • Destiny
    • ArcheAge
    • Rust
    • APB: Reloaded
    • RoboCraft
    • Smite
    • L4D2
    • Dayz
    • Arma 3
    • Many more, multiplayer or single player. And also new games that come out.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Have a great one!

    Pages: [1]