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Topics - BlackMoridin

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Point backup file
« on: August 06, 2014, 07:49:21 PM »
Hello, so basically after the update the bot kept crashing on startup, so i removed everything and reinstalled everything, now it works, i have copied the backup folder and playlist folders back to the instal folder, and copied the latest userconfig.bin file from the back up folder into the instal folder. And everything is back to perfect except one thing... All the users have 1 Point, what file did i forget to move over from the back up? Furthermore i have the VIP version of deepbot shouldn't there be a backup of everything online???

Streamer Introductions / Yo crazy black guy here!
« on: July 11, 2014, 08:15:01 PM »
Hello guy's
I found Deepbot on youtube, and i can't wait to get my download link in the mail, i already donated so YEAH,
My twitch is:
I stream everyday, usually after dinner, so at about 7pm amsterdam time, so GWT+1
Saturday i stream all day, friday aswell, and sunday usually after dance class
Every once in a while i'll have private dancelessons and then i won't stream as much

Pages: [1]