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Topics - AnM60ForJesus

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Edit @countdown@ from chat
« on: May 25, 2015, 06:55:02 PM »
I use the @countdown@ feature to make a !stream command which shows when my next stream will be, but it's a little bit of a pain to update it every night. Is there a way to update the date/time for the countdown from the chat? It would be much easier to have a mod change it through chat or even better if the app just supported recurring countdowns.

Feature Requests / FrankerFaceZ on CLR Chat?
« on: December 30, 2014, 04:04:07 AM »
I noticed that BTTV emotes are added to the chat overlay so it will show emotes like RebeccaBlack and SourPls. I have some emotes set up for my channel using FrankerFaceZ but these don't work. Is it possible to add this extension to the chat overlay?

Help/Support / UTB to DeepBot Migration
« on: July 19, 2014, 12:12:20 AM »
I just got the DeepBot download and am very happy with it. Part of the application asked about migrating data from a previous point bot over to DeepBot. The tutorial video explained that a .bin file would be in the message but I did not get a link to this. I am currently using Ultimate Twitch Bot. Any help is greatly appreciated :)

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