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Topics - AddledAdventures

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Bug Reports / FPS drop in Source Engine Games with Deepbot running
« on: February 24, 2015, 02:10:54 PM »
i7 875k @ 3787mhz
12GB ram
GTX 780
Win7 Pro

Everything was just fine last stream 2 days ago, but now when deepbot is running, my average FPS of 80-100 during stream drops to 10-15, and becomes completely unplayable. almost feels like some input delay too. If I close deepbot while streaming, my FPS increase back to normal levels.

I do have the deepbot files stored on a NAS with a raid 0 for redundancy, everything is gigabit, and it has run smoothly forever.

I have tried assigning dedicated cores, etc to the game/deepbot with no luck. The CPU usage and ram usage is right around 50%, and the GPU is reporting ~30 load even while getting 12 FPS. If anyone has any ideas or insight, it would be appreciated.


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