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Topics - Phyrus675

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / LatestFollower text file not updating regularly
« on: October 06, 2014, 09:08:58 AM »
I have been trying to use OBS to display my most recent follower by using a Text source that uses Text From File pointed at the deepbot\obs\LatestFollower.txt file.   OBS will display the text the file contains, but it does not update in a relyable fashion while OBS and Deepbot are running.  I have the youtubeCurrentSong target sourced the same way, and have no problem with that file updating correctly. 
I have noticed sometimes, that the last follower file will be updated but the last 5 follow file will not have updated. 
Is there anything you can sugget to try to fix this issue?

Streamer Introductions / Phyrus675
« on: July 29, 2014, 08:34:23 AM »
Hello fellow streamers!
I go by Phyrus675.  I have been streaming since the begining of April 2014.  I stream every night from 10PM-2AMish EST.  I tend to juggle between games during the week, but recently have been hooked on streaming FireFall as I have been part of the beta test crew for about 3 years now.  I am an interactive streamer and have a great time with my viewers.  I am looking to use DeepBot to give my viewers another reason to return to the show and keep them engaged.
Please swing by and say Hi.


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