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Topics - Sephiroth

Pages: [1]
Implemented / Dynamic Host Manager Variables [ Sephiroth ]
« on: September 16, 2014, 11:48:27 AM »
I know we can customize the messages the bot sends to chat for when it is hosting a channel. Is there a way we could pull the current game the person being hosted is playing, put that in an @game@ variable so we could put that in the message? Would be awesome to have the bot say "Now hosting SomeOtherChannel who is playing Modern Warfare 3."

Help/Support / Why are these "fees" considered "donations"?
« on: August 03, 2014, 06:06:10 AM »
Hey ExpertsOnline, been looking around here, and I'm interested in this bot. But the problem I have is you require "donations" to use it or certain VIP features.

The full definition of donation as described by Merriam-Webster is this:

:  the act or an instance of donating: as
a :  the making of a gift especially to a charity or public institution
b :  a free contribution :  gift

However, I don't agree with this, because "donations" are not "required" in any way, shape or form. These costs are actually "Fees".

: an amount of money that must be paid
: an amount that is paid for work done by a doctor, lawyer, etc.

Are you doing this to evade taxes? What is the purpose of calling it "Donations" instead of "fees"?

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