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Topics - Crimson Sands Gaming

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Bug Reports / Donation Awards Given Twice for Paypal E-check
« on: March 24, 2015, 09:20:45 PM »
A friend Donated to my Stream on the 19th and he did it by Echeck with Paypal, The bot Awarded him the VIP and Credits and counted it as a full Donation.

Today (24th) about 10 minutes ago, The Donation alert went off with the same message and same Donation amount, it took us a few minutes to figure out what was going on, and it appears the Bot awarded the VIP and Credits a 2nd time from the E-check Clearing...  no 2nd payment was made and only thing i got in my E-mail is that his Echeck was now cleared.

figured i should mention this so it can be looked into.

Feature Requests / Modify Mini game entry lengths
« on: December 08, 2014, 06:51:22 AM »
It would be nice to have the ability to increase the amount of time people have to enter Arenas or Bankheists from what ever it is now (1-2 minutes?) to like 5 minutes or something, i find the entry period is abit too short and would like to lengthen it abit, either individualy or as a whole.

Bug Reports / Quote feature not subtracting Credits
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:42:15 PM »
i tested out the Quote system tonight and checked that everyone can trigger it and everyone can add a quote but with varying cost in Credits/points for each ViP and normal users...  The problem is, the Bot doesnt subtract the indicated points when a quote is added by a User.

Help/Support / Bot name changes request
« on: September 04, 2014, 09:39:43 AM »
I'd like to change my Bots name from JanusAI_Bot to just Janus_Bot, new named account already made.

Twitch Account: Crimson_Sands_Gaming


Feature Requests / POLL: Auction Notification/updater
« on: September 03, 2014, 06:17:10 PM »
Is there a way to have Deepbot/OBS automatically update and display/notify new Bids on the games i give away with the Points?

I have a Visual Top bid display text on my Overlay that i have to update Manually, but having a popup like the Follower alet along with that text updating itself as a new top bid is made would save me some extra work and typing because i run these auctions for 1-2 weeks in length....   just a "Top bid: [name] - [bid amount]" would work. 

Feature Requests / Message Count in Database
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:46:33 AM »
Would it be Possible to track a persons message count and Display this in the User database?

I dont agree with Alt accounts gaining points and 1 person being able to benefit from 2-5+ account points worth and having them camps the channel 24/7, Especially since i am giving away games every week with these points in a auction style.  I have restricted the !give command to Mods only, but in time they will still accumulate a large amount that could outbid others.... I refuse to allow this type of "cheating" to prevail and actively monitor all accounts that "camp" the channel to combat Point farming Alts.  Having a User Message counter would help me better Determine a  farming account from an active account, Not to mention it would be a fun/Interesting additional Statistic to have.

Feature Requests / Music Length
« on: September 01, 2014, 07:23:22 PM »
Is it possible to allow songs of higher then 10 Minutes?  on slow days Theres some Song Compilations i would like to run and add to a playlist which are like 30 minutes to 2+ hours.   Having a option to customize or turn off the Music time limit that can be requested would be nice and let me keep mosuic running without having to request or add music every 5 minutes

Feature Requests / POLL: Auctions/Raffles save file
« on: August 22, 2014, 05:35:02 PM »
Hi,  I wasnt sure if i should make a new topic for this or post this in my other one... so sorry in advance.

As i previously mentioned in my points/viewer thread, i hold weekly Auctions with the points, at the request and suggestion of a number of my Viewers i am possibly going to move this to every 2nd weekend.   However my issue is that whenever the Deepbot is shutdown either by a crash/error or by restarting the PC  for a update or Deepbot Updates and reboots, i lose the Auction.  Who bid, Who has top bid, The auction info itself ect... it's all gone and i have to restart the Auction and try to get the last person who did a bid to redo the bid at the same bid amount, I've run into this issue 4 times already..   Having this Info all saved each time a new top bid is made would make this problem basically go away and make me having 2 week length Auction a much more easier accomplishment.

Also, If you can add What the current top bid is, within the auction area of the Deepbot UI or have a button to trigger the "broadcast" so I and others can know what the bid is at on demand would also be a nice addition.   If theres a command for this, then i must of Missed it...  also at the same time, adding/allowing Regular users to trigger a short "top bid" command so they can see who is top bidder and at how much would also be nice.

Thank you, and i am Loving this Bot!!  Keep up the great work!

Feature Requests / Disable "points" system for those not "watching"
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:03:15 PM »
So i been noticing this the last few days but today it made itself very Obvious...  i had over 20 people this afternoon in the stream and only 10-14 were being counted as "viewers".  I have been baffled about this for the last few days as i started noticing this more and more but unable to figure out why.  Today was the largest gap of this, and 1 viewer told me it was because these people Paused or turned off the Stream and that was why they dont count in the viewer numbers.

I run weekly Auctions for Steam games on my Channel using these Points as the channels Currency and if this is True, I dont like the fact that a growing number of people are camping in my Stream all day and night having the Stream paused and not at least counting towards my Viewer count.  They are simply soaking up all the Points they can, not even watching the stream or participating in the chat, just leaving it open in the background paused.

I would very much like the option ASAP to disallow this type of Behavior, i would like to have the option that people who are not actively Watching the stream or at least have it running to where they count as a viewer when it is Online get Nothing, No points at all until they are considered a Viewer. (offline is fine).

Feature Requests / More games for the VIewers
« on: August 21, 2014, 01:14:19 PM »
Some of my Viewers have asked for more games other then the Bankheist and the Arena, something they can play without requiring a large amount of people to get the best experience from.

Some suggestions were:
Slot Machine games
21 (card game)

can be done for less or better with More people but this was also suggested:
Betting on Races (be it car racing or horse racing ect..)   (similar to Arena, but you choose which car/horse and you can be payed out on how it performs). 

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