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Topics - Squallmuzza

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / VIP Not Activating
« on: April 17, 2017, 07:36:05 PM »
Hi guys

Just noticed that although I paid my VIP payment on the 30th I don't have the VIP status on my bot any more. Not sure whether it was due to name change perhaps? Seemed to drop off a few days ago.

Previous channel name: SenshudoTV
Current channel name: Senshudo
Bot name: Senshudobot
Payment made: March 30th as was done every month prior. Can give paypal email address it came from if required but naturally would prefer not to in public :)

Name Changes / I'm sorry for the headache you have now...
« on: February 25, 2017, 03:41:34 AM »
Current Stream Name: SenshudoTV
Current Bot Name: Senshudobot

New Stream Name: Senshudo
New Bot Name: Senshudobot

Bug Reports / Song Requests Are Broken Via Youtube
« on: May 06, 2015, 02:51:11 AM »
I believe the old API used for Youtube-based song requests is now broken and it needs updating to their new API to get functionality back. All song requests result in a redirect to upon adding to playlist.

See image for the message generated from the bot:

Bug Reports / Sub Messages Repeating
« on: February 11, 2015, 03:17:22 AM »
I've had an issue with Subscriber notifications being duplicated upon start-up of the bot. This seems to be at random (both with who it duplicates the messages for, seems to be at random and approx 6 or so people at a time) and whether it will do it or not. This only seems to occur when restarting the bot.

I understand the root cause of this is likely due to the fact that we have multiple instances of the bot open at once (which I understand from a brief conversation with EO to be fine to do). One is open to be a 'master' account of sorts and is always up to maintain the points system, run heists through etc with a couple extra satellite bots utilised for notifications, song requests etc.

It doesn't seem to matter which version of the bot gets reset, the issue seems to persist regardless. Again, I understand this isn't an issue for most and likely stems for the bot being used in a way that is not 100% intended, however it'd be great if this could be ironed out at some point in the future! If you require more info, feel free to contact me back through here or I believe ExpertsOnline has me on Skype, which is also totally fine (and more likely to be answered a lot more quickly.

Many thanks in advance.

Feature Requests / Setting Storage Via Cloud?
« on: September 15, 2014, 08:30:43 PM »
Hi guys,
Due to multiple individuals using the 1 channel to cast from, something we would find EXTREMELY useful is the ability to have the settings, points total, host list etc all saved remotely so they are updated on login. This would seriously put this bot head and shoulders about nightbot and others for us and most likely a whole bunch of other network based channels. This way, whoever is actively running the channel at the time can pop open deepbot, have it up and running and not have to attempt to arrange a transfer of config files etc and in advance. We would also be able to ensure more up-time of the bot and leave the host functionality running 24/7. This would also provide a good back-up for people making changes to their rig and/or when updates come along that can potentially wipe settings. This would only be a few kb of storage at a time as well. This would be something more than worthy of an on-going donation as well
Even more preferable would be an ability to remote into parts of the functionality while having the bot program up on a single computer without using something as data intensive as Teamviewer etc. Functionality such as the raffle, user privileges, song requests, running ads etc in that would be plenty. Obviously, if you were to implement this, we would be more than happy to heavily test this and stress it for you as well. Let me know!

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