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Topics - ninja

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Show the % of bets placed.
« on: September 02, 2015, 10:46:16 AM »
I am suggesting that when bets close that it shows the % of each choice of bet placed.

Feature Requests / Mod Level 2 only deletion option in commands?
« on: July 13, 2015, 05:14:40 AM »
This has probably been suggested, but I would really love this type of option. There are quiet a few mods in a channel and with mod level 2 superiority they should have some commands that only they can delete.

I got a streamer DeepBot and he has a lot of mods (too many). I really would like an option to be added to commands that only Level 2 Mods can delete it. Some commands are important and trolls will be trolls when messing with important things.

Mod only command is %8 so why not have something like that added to commands and only Level 2 Mods can edit/delete it.

It would clean up a lot of clutter if whispers could be able to be used with commands. Whispering how many points someone has would be the biggest change and many other possibilities.

I am requesting some setting to add mod lvl 2 only commands and an ability for mod lvl 2 only to delete commands to add this to.

Some large streams have several mods and sometimes the troll ones delete commands and it is quite annoying. I would like it so that normal mods can't delete a command if it has a %2 for mod lvl 2 or something like the %8 is mod only.

Feature Requests / Request banning certain links with commands.
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:40:25 AM »
As a mod of a big chat with deepbot I would love to be able to ban certain sites that use phishing with chat commands.

Feature Requests / !keepsong command please
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:20:48 AM »
With large channels, skipping songs can be annoying. There should be a command to vote on keeping the current song as well as !keepsong (auto points)

It would be nice to have a win/lose % ability for commands. Like type the win rate somewhere in the command to make it have a chance of winning or losing. With that type of command be able to add +/- a certain amount of points that we choose.

Help/Support / !playnextsong not working?
« on: February 21, 2015, 10:04:39 AM »
I have mod level 2 (max mod setting) and the command is not working for me.
Closed Beta 0.6.2 (17 Feb 2015)
Added mod commands to navigate the song playlist (!playnextsong , !playprevsong).

The command isn't giving a notification when we are using it and not working period.


Feature Requests / Idea: Mods can delete ## ID song from the list.
« on: January 17, 2015, 03:36:40 AM »
This would considerably help reduce the amount of troll music videos/non music related videos on there so the streamer does not constantly have to handle each song themselves.

An example would be: !delsong 43
The 43 is the song number on the list. It seems easy enough since the number doesn't change as the songs go on and that is their ID.
The streamer I got deepbot for gets troll music constantly and we are thinking about using nightbot again for the music since mods can actually moderate the songs there.

Thoughts/improvement ideas?

Feature Requests / Request: Let mods edit the songlist
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:20:29 AM »
Could there please be some way for mods to delete songs before they play? I got deepbot for a friend with a lot of viewers and people play crap troll music so much. With nightbot mods can/could edit the songlist before a song even plays so that junk isn't constantly playing.

This might require the music playlist being listed somewhere besides on a pastebin.

Help/Support / I was told to ask for a "transferring of the month of VIP "
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:45:19 AM »
I got the download for deepbot, but it was for a different streamer so I was told that expertsonline would have to transfer the VIP to the streaming account of "SirActionSlacks" where the bot was setup. I said that I was buying the bot for another streamer in my purchasing and everyone said it was okay.

When I was sent the download link I was told to ask for the transfer.

Help/Support / Can I use deepbot for a channel without being the streamer?
« on: December 04, 2014, 10:26:50 AM »
Hello, as the title says I am looking to use deepbot for a channel that I am not the streamer of. The streamer is pretty busy and is kind of lacking in the technological skills department. Soo...?

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