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Topics - Rahhzay

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Monthly Donation Went Through But No VIP
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:04:33 AM »
I have my donation on a recurring basis. My donation went through last night, but my DeepBot is no longer VIP. This happened to me once before. Can someone help, please?

Help/Support / Monthly Donation Went Through But No VIP
« on: September 08, 2015, 05:37:52 AM »
Hello. Nothing has changed about my stream or bot. My donation went through last night, but my DeepBot is no longer VIP. Can someone help, please?

Feature Requests / VIP expirations
« on: September 04, 2014, 03:08:43 AM »
Would it be possible to add the ability to make a VIP length (or check-mark) to enable it so that it would never expire?

Pages: [1]