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Topics - DizzyDizaster

Pages: [1]
Bug Reports / Follow engine - Latest follower "Disconnected"
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:53:55 AM »
My follow engine isn't working. It's showing Latest follower as disconnected since the last update. I've had to shut the engine off because of this. I have the hotfix patch and I can confirm I'm VIP.

Any idea?

Bug Reports / Follows not registering
« on: July 11, 2014, 11:08:51 AM »
People are following. Follow notification isn't going off and people arent getting their 10 caps. This started yesterday. Possible twitch issue with bots?

Feature Requests / @notfollow@ ?
« on: March 31, 2014, 01:25:41 AM »
Is it possible to create something with that involves the people not following.. I.E. a notfollow variable?

I'm extremely excited about being able to see follow date in User lists. I can clearly click on this and encourage people to individually join us. If there was some sort of way to have the bot do this, it would be awesome too.

I know it's extremely dynamic with people going in and out but perhaps there'd be some way to randomly extract 5 - 10 people who arent following based on a function. I.E. notfollow5 or notfollow10 picks out x number of random people from that pool.

Bug Reports / Falling out of Focus / Delaying Bot (Primary Window)
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:13:46 AM »
This is interesting and I've noticed over the course of the past few weeks. I wasn't sure if this was true until I tested some things and I'm pretty sure I have evidence that the bot is "stalling" when it is not the primary window.

For example :
I run a two monitor setup. I have probably 10-15 windows of things open on monitor 2 when I'm running stream. Monitor 1 is the game, of course.

I more often than not run OBS on top of the Deepbot program. Sometimes I notice people complaining about not getting our currency or the timed solicitations not going out. If I drag away the OBS window, I notice an echo as if the Deepbot program is crashed.. Or I notice the timers on it have stopped.

If I click on the deepbot window, the timers shoot forward and resync, the timed commands go off in chat, and people get their currency. It's almost as if the bot is going into idle mode when it's in the background.

Any thoughts on this?

Help/Support / Battletag inquiry / Display
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:21:41 AM »
Is there a way to have someone be able to display their own, or display someones battletag to the chat room ? Also is there a way to give confirmation to someone when they store a battletag?

I'm aware that !btag <name> stores the name.. But I wouldn't know this if I wasn't looking at the User database as I did it.

Also, storing it in the database is only good for people who can see the user database. Is there some way to do a @btag@ inquiry similar to the follow date/ vip?

During giveaways, especially keyword giveaways will there be a future way to customize this message?

It would be cool if for keyword giveaways it resolicited the giveaway keyword. "

8 minutes left! Enter by typing !keyword"

Bug Reports / Formatting Adjustments - Top List Omission Not Working
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:49:15 AM »
Couple of mere quality of life things that I noticed.

I'm pretty heavily active with the user groups that Deepbot provides as I like VIP levels to remove once peoples subscription expires. I don't know the logistics of having this done automatically so for the time being I do this manually. With that being said, when I'm removing/adjusting/modifying people the list has a tendency to not stay on the sorting filter I originally choose and flash back to the top.

For example :

If I'm editing a user whose name begins with "U".. Let's say "Username23".. Username23 expired yesterday and I want to manually remove his VIP Bronze. I sort alphabetically and adjust Username23's profile. The list refreshes, puts me back at the top and jumbles all the names in the list so it's not sorted alphabetically anymore. Having to adjust 30-40 and potentially more usernames in the future, it is only a few extra clicks but it would be a lot easier to not have to do those if at all possible.

With user editing, is there a way to multi-edit users? That would be extremely helpful. If something conflicts... Say I try to multi-edit a VIP Silver and a VIP Bronze, you could always have that variable remain blank but if they're both VIP Bronze or maybe no VIP it would show up as such. (Similiar to how I-Tunes handles multisong edits).

Also - Checking off to not have people show on Top-Lists is not working. I can demonstrate in my channel if you wish. I have myself omitted and still show up under the !top14 command.

Thanks for the wonderful bot guys. Keep up the great work!

Help/Support / Follower Notification CSS
« on: March 16, 2014, 06:07:16 AM »
Is the CSS to customize this popup similar to the #donor-notification setup listed on the Wiki?

I would like to customize this further and I want to make sure before I start messing with stuff.

If this works, I will probably roll into the donation engine in a few days.

Help/Support / Follow Notification ( And Reward Caps ) Question
« on: March 15, 2014, 08:33:34 PM »
I haven't gone about migrating to Deepbots follower notification system but I intend on doing it tonight. My first question involves spamming the screen with follow notifications. If a person follows, can they follow and unfollow repeatedly to spam the screen?

I also noticed on the follow notification you could set a reward for someone following. I was curious whether or not it would be possible to spam this button to add extra caps or if this is something stored internally.

Thank you for your time !  ;D

Help/Support / Bot Chat Cap Inquiries?
« on: March 03, 2014, 01:20:36 AM »
In the latest patch notes and on the Config Page there's a new check box pertaining to Point Checks on Bot Chat.

Patch Notes : Added option to only allow currency check requests to be displayed on the bot's chat.

I'm slightly confused as to what "Bot chat" is. I've selected this feature to see what it does. It doesn't show up in the bots own channel chat, in the programs chat, or in a message of any sort.

Bug Reports / Sub -> VIP Rank Bronze overwriting higher VIP
« on: February 05, 2014, 05:06:55 AM »
Our system is a little weird but I'm certain it won't be unique in regards to the future.

We have people at a higher tier with VIP Gold. They can obtain this tier without subbing.

I have the sub system automatically make people VIP Bronze when they become a sub so I won't have to worry about the massive influx.

If the sub donates, they get moved to silver or gold respectively. But like I said previously, when they sub initially, it moves them to Bronze.

I noticed one of my VIP Gold members was made bronze today when he subbed. Is there any way to give priority to the higher ranks to prevent this, or to maybe have the option to extend THAT rank out till the end of their sub period? So for example, when I make someone silver, they will stay there and have their time extended at that rank.

Also, more of a question, does renewing that sub extend their VIP period? And does this work if the AUTOSUB is set to bronze and they are at silver/gold?

Bug Reports / Subscriber Crash
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:08:51 AM »
We got our sub button today and decided to begin testing the Deepbot functionality immediately.

The problem is, once people started subbing, we started getting a popup saying Deepbot had crashed (which is fortunately didn't) but it generated this error.log :

Feature Requests / Cosmetic Feature Requests
« on: January 28, 2014, 05:37:36 AM »
    This is more or less my first post on anything to do with Deepbot. I am very impressed with it's functionality so far and my community absolutely loves the system we've implemented with the help of Deepbot. For all of this and the future development, Thank You!

    I'm familiar with the cycle of development enough to know that cosmetic stuff is usually the absolute LAST stuff that is implemented, but I felt like I should at least document some things for future reference.

    • Ability to Resize
    I'm currently juggling 10 screens on monitor 2 to run the stream. The ability to resize the screen (even if it meant scroll bars on the side and bottom) would be fantastic.

    • Chat Color / Notification Implementation
    I use HexChat currently to run my chat. Deepbot provides me with a chat interface as well that is a lot easier to use than HexChat. The main reason I continue to use HexChat is because it has color coding for names AND because you can set words to trigger alerts so the chat grabs your attention. I don't use the audio or blink alerts, merely having text be bold and orange so I know to respond. For example, I have my name and words like "Hi" and "Hello" cause text to become DARK orange bold.

    • Emoticon Implementation
    I don't even know if this is available for HexChat but this would be huge. The ability for the chat in Deepbot to be able to translate a term like Kappa and show the emoticon like Twitch does would be insane. If this is what I think it is though, it would be a massive undertaking and a constant update system required to keep up with the new emoticons (unless theres a central database?). I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask though!

    • Change Log Tab
    Perhaps a tab that includes a list of the changes since previous updates. I know the forum had it for a bit but I think it would be easier if it was incorporated in the actual program, even if it's just an internal link to the forum post.

    • Customizing display messages for Raffles
    This is more or less pertaining to what is being given away. If I'm doing a raffle, it would be easy to type into a box what is being raffled so people can be reminded of what they are spending tickets on. In the future, deeper customization of the messages and how they display to the users would be awesome too.

    • Mod Command Creation/Deletion / Ranked Use
    I'm not sure how deep you want to tread into Nightbot's territory, but the ability for my Mods to create/delete commands on the fly is awesome. Also, limiting access to commands based on their user level would be great (subs can only use !sub command, like !vip is for vips and what not).

    • Mass Update Users
    Maybe the ability to use shift as a modifier to select multiple users to update more than one at once? Nothing super important here, just would be good once the Subs start happening. (We want our subs to go to VIP bronze automatically unless they donate).

That's all I can think of off the top of my head right now. Deepbot has helped make our chat more interesting and fostered an active chatting community 24 hours a day. I can't thank you guys enough for this!

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