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Topics - YonksTV

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Does Deepbot save all custom commands?
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:59:39 AM »
I need to do a restart on my computer and I have a lot of custom bot commands.  Do these save to a server or in my files any where?  I saw that I can save the point information which is good, but really need the bot commands saved as well.

Feature Requests / Slots Machines
« on: March 19, 2015, 08:50:44 PM »
So I was wondering if there were any chances of getting a mini game for slots.  The way I would imagine it would be that Deepbot selects one user from the channel to play the game for say 5 minutes.  Typing a command like !pull for it initiate each time where it will take out {X} amount of points each time they "pull" and then having the option for them to randomly earn points if they win.  It would be nice to have it set up as a mini game for one person at a time to avoid chat spam by making it available to everyone.  You could also give the option for the user to "!pass"  if they don't want to gamble in the slots with their points. 

when I get a donation it says the user name and then (amount)  I just want it to show $2.00 instead of (2) Does anyone know if you can change this?  It just looks weird with the (2) in there

I've looked all over, I watched the patch notes on the update these were on as "Added support for multiple random responses for channel commands."  I can't find any help out there on it, so I wanted to make a topic for it.  I would love to make a few commands that have random commands.  One idea would be to type !roulette and have a viewer play russan roulette, so I need to have to different responses at least.  One would be "shots fired" or whatever and the other would be "click".  Another idea I had was trying something with a crystal ball like command.  Anyway can someone explain to me how to set up the random responses.  I plan on staying a VIP member and really want to take advantage of this feature.


Help/Support / Donation notification HELP!
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:14:29 AM »
I set everything up with the CLR browser I go into preview mode on OBS and do test on the follower and donation throught deepbot and they work great.  I tested a follow on the site and that works perfect, the notification pops up and the last follower text to the problem.  The preview works for the donation but I donated to my account to test if it was working and to see the top donator text so I could resize it in OBS and I don't get a notification and the top donator text doesn't work either.  I don't know what the problem is.

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