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Topics - giggmaster

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Pre-release Feedback / Deepbot - Roadmap and Feedbacks after 15 days
« on: March 23, 2015, 06:39:25 AM »
Deepbot folks,

After about 15 days using this product I can tell you the balance is very positive but there is something I am missing that I would like to hear from you how you guys conduct this.

* Bug Reports
I see a few posts there with bug reports and some suggestions to fix that but I am missing something more effective like "Ok this is a bug and we are expecting to see this fixed in the next version". In other words an effective feedback about Bug Reports.
As an example I have a post there about my Copy/Paste issue and I have no idea what is the final position about that so I am feeling like "Oh you have an issue? I am sorry but there is nothing I can do".

* New Features
I also see plenty of feature request there, some of them with a response but the majority of them without any response so what we can expect for Deepbot in the future?
I can give you another example because you have a solid donation system but I cannot use that simply because you do not support Brazilian Reais so all I asked is a way to manually put my donations there but ... no response (either positive or negative).

I would say these points are the only issue preventing me to pay the monthly $5 so I appreciate any thought from deepbot guys.

Thank you,

Feature Requests / Manual Donation Entry
« on: March 18, 2015, 07:33:02 AM »

I know and I understand you want to promote your own Donation Notification System and I am sure that will work flawless when we are talking about common currency but in my case even sites like streamtip does not have all features I need so I have to do my own "donation alert system" which sometimes means manual entries today in text files.

With that said I would love to see a way to have manual Donation entries in your system so I can use deepbot to control my donations / vip access as well.


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