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Topics - BowNaRRow

Pages: [1]
Name Changes / Name Change Request Please
« on: November 16, 2017, 07:27:38 AM »
Needing to have my Stream name Changed for the usage of the deepbot. I'm previously known as BowNaRRowYerMum - been accessing the bot since 2015, and just would like it to be updated to BowNaRRow. Love the bot and wish to still contribute but updated my stream name and need it adjusted, please.

current stream name: BowNaRRowYerMum
current stream bot name: BowsTitBot

new stream name: BowNaRRow
new stream bot name: BowsTitBot

Help/Support / New Update(s) have deemed my bot useless
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:55:08 PM »
At this time, the previous two updates have deemed my usage of Deep Bot useless.  Everytime you go to start it, it will connect and then the bot will be "unclickable" and when this happens I can't access anything within the panel, it entirely bugs out the program.  At this time, I'm basically paying for a service that is not being received. Would love to have some feedback to see if I'm not the only one and IF it will be fixed.

Asking for Mod/Developer help,

Thanks for your time,


Pages: [1]