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Topics - p0kker

Pages: [1]

I started getting this error yesterday when I start DeepBot "Unable to find available whisper servers on twitch. Please try again later"

Can anyone tell me what it means? As far as I can see, all it does is that I have to manually connect Bot Login and Streamer Login, but it would be nice to know what it means.



Help/Support / Notifications tab not updating automatically
« on: July 18, 2015, 08:08:15 PM »
Does anyone have this problem, or know how to fix it?:

When I get a new follower I want to use the "Notifications" tab to see the name, but it does not update automatically, I have to switch to another tab and then back to see the newest follower.

Is there a better way to see the names of people following or should I have the OBS window open to see the alert there?

Also, when I get a donation, it does not play the alert on my stream automatically, I have to refresh the notifications tab again and manually replay the donation alert from there :/

Any suggestions is highly appreciated :)

Edit: Spelling error

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