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Topics - clashwithvseven

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Needing to Redownload Deepbot
« on: March 06, 2015, 07:37:07 AM »
Hey all,

Im an old beta tester for Deepbot. (About 7 months ago)

Long story short, i've built a new pc and i kept the deepbot file and program. But when i ran the program its telling me "Oops! I have crashed. Saving crash log to errorlog.txt. Please send this to experts online providing any additional information on the crash."

Where can i redownload Deepbot? Much thanks!

Custom Notifications / Changing Sub Image
« on: May 16, 2014, 03:40:36 PM »
So i understand that its possible to change the image for the sub notification.

I figured out how to change the image, but all i want is the Name of the subber to pop up. I dont want to have the "new subscriber" or "clashwithvseven" text there.
How can i change what texts show? How can i change the position the name of the subscriber pops up?

I thought this might be the whole "OBS CLR Browser" thing. So i do have it enabled in the bot. I actually followed your tutorial on Youtube to install the plugins (CLR plugin & Video Source plugin). I am also running the correct direct X.

I simply extracted the to rar files, and copied their contents over to the OBS plugins folder. Yet, when i open OBS and i look at the plugins... nothing shows! So of course right clicking to add the clr source doesn't show as well. I use the 64 bit version, and i downloaded both 64 bit versions.

I dont get it! I have the exact amount of folders you did, and files outside the folders in the Plugins Folder. Yet plugins dont show in OBS! Restarting the program didnt change anything, neither did restarting my computer.

Im running a new Laptop with dual GPU and has an i7. Windows 8.1

These things are soo complicated  :-[

Any help appreciated!

Help/Support / Deepbot Download
« on: May 10, 2014, 11:52:59 PM »
I gotten a new harddrive and need to get the bot again. And yes, ive already been accepted into the beta. How can i access it again?

To think of it i dont even remember how i had gotten it, i assumed through email but if i did it looks like i deleted it :(

Help/Support / Hide Offline Database wont Uncheck
« on: April 22, 2014, 09:40:49 AM »
Like title states: Im not able to uncheck the "hide offline" tab under user database.

I need to add some points to some users that donated. Weird thing is its only happening just now or today? Why would it do that?

Help/Support / DeepBot Now working
« on: April 14, 2014, 05:18:17 AM »
Worked Solid for 7 days straight. Worked at the start of the stream today. And its cut out. Tried the different ports. Worked for 10 minutes then stopped again.

Im streaming right now, and commands or raffles are not working.

Would appreciate a quick fix! Come to stream now to see :P


Help/Support / Music Player Not Working?
« on: April 10, 2014, 02:52:16 PM »
Ok, i managed to download the Flash Player Plugin for the Song Request for the bot. All i see now on the right side is the 9 second video of stars?

Problem is i cant add a song! Heres the song im trying to add:

Ive tried adding this part:/watch?v=QTpqCJr-vLo&list=FLYKd82YrAoH1yBCM8m1BKWw&index=2

Tried adding this part: watch?v=QTpqCJr-vLo&list=FLYKd82YrAoH1yBCM8m1BKWw&index=2

And ive tried adding the whole line! What am i doing wrong?

I click add song, then copy paste the link, then click ok and nothing happens. Nothing shows on the left or the right....

A bit frustrating.... Would appreciate the help!

Im off to bed, ill check back in 9 hours :(


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