Closed Beta Applications / Re: Closed Beta Applications Phase 2 - Now Open
« on: July 31, 2015, 09:00:24 PM »
heard of the bot from iwalberg
ez4u2killme is my stream name and my twitch account name also
i stream around 5pm till 600am 3-4 night aweek
i have a average of 5-10 users, just strarted streaming
no partners
nothing to migrate with
and i donated $10 already from my girlfriends paypal
System Edit : Incorrect bot account.Please provide a valid twitch account that the bot will use to connect to twitch servers with. This can't be the same account as the stream account.
ez4u2killme is my stream name and my twitch account name also
i stream around 5pm till 600am 3-4 night aweek
i have a average of 5-10 users, just strarted streaming
no partners
nothing to migrate with
and i donated $10 already from my girlfriends paypal
System Edit : Incorrect bot account.Please provide a valid twitch account that the bot will use to connect to twitch servers with. This can't be the same account as the stream account.