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Messages - Vazio82

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Re: Deep Bot cant connect
« on: January 14, 2016, 12:29:16 AM »
Having the same issue. not able to log in.

    Where did you hear about DeepBot from? A viewer WifiDuck
    Your stream name? VaZio82
    Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to) Vazbot9000
    Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time] M-F 9:30 AM -2 PM PST. Monday Tuesday Friday and Sats have special event streams.
    Is your stream partnered with Twitch? Not Yet
    Average number of users on your channel? 17-24
    Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using. Yes using modbot

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!
For point migrations, please email your modbot.sqlite file to for conversion.

Streamer Introductions / Welcome to the Vazionians
« on: August 17, 2015, 07:34:32 AM »
Want a small community to hang out? Talk games? Make a few friends? Gossip about what we are learning as we stream together?

Come check us out.

The more the merrier.

I will be installing Deepbot as soon as I get it

And hey, thank you for just stopping by to read this.

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