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Messages - kexmixx

Pages: [1]
Closed Beta Applications / Re: Closed Beta Applications Phase 2 - Now Open
« on: September 12, 2015, 04:10:22 PM »
(1. I watched a lot of live streamers whilst trying to start my Twitch channel and seen some people using DeepBot and I knew I needed it cause its an all-in-one system.
(2. KexMixx
(3. Mixxbot
(4. Every night, approximately 8 hours after I get out of work I start at 10pm-6am.
(5. No, but I am working as hard as I can to get partnered.
(6. About 10-15 depending on the occasion. I just got back into live streaming.
(7. I currently only use Nightbot so no thank you.

I donated so I can help you out with the servers and such and I will keep on donating as I would love too see this get as far as it can. Thank you

System Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta requires a minimum entry fee of $10. Please see first post for more details.

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