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Messages - krappleby

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is it possible to create a text file, which displays the total number of points that are currently owned by members of the channel. my channel works on souls, (thereaper1976) and i want to add a section at the bottom with the total number of souls collected (which will be an amalgamation of all the souls people have earned)

so basically every 10 seconds or so i want a script to run that will place the total number of points into a txt file, which i can use on xsplit to display a number.

is this possible and if so how, i haven't got a clue.. cheers


Feature Requests / Quiz bot
« on: September 28, 2016, 07:02:28 PM »
Hi, would it be possible to add a quiz to deep bot for the channel..

the user creates a list of questions and answers, and every say 120 seconds the question is posted in the chat.. you can set the number of answers to pay for, ie 3, and the first three to answer the question correctly get the points (coins)..

ie.. i put 20 questions in the program, and start the quiz.
q1 is placed into the chat, and the players can answer (1 word answers)
i have it set so that the first 5 get coins for correct answers
the script watches the answers, and the first 5 correct answers, get the payments.

would this be a possibility, dont think it would be too difficult to set up.

this would enhance the chat, and get more people involved.


Help/Support / Re: Question : chat commands
« on: September 26, 2015, 12:50:26 AM »
Hi, i have tried this, but its adding the points wether the user is following or not.. (ps im using my streamer name, will that make a difference..?)

im not following my stream, so it shouldnt, but its adding the 100 anyway.

Help/Support / Question : chat commands
« on: September 25, 2015, 10:17:35 PM »
hi guys,

As a temp measure, im looking at the chat commands tab, and wondered if their was a command i could use, something like the following..

check current database, if user is follower, add 100 credits

Note (i have no problem running manually and no problem with only using records in database, since i have just started, and only haev about 40 followers.. )

is this possible, i dont have access to chat commands list, or is their somewhere ic an go do read this..


Help/Support / Re: Cant use chat in either streamer chat or bot chat..
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:09:05 AM »
its working now

Help/Support / Re: Cant use chat in either streamer chat or bot chat..
« on: September 19, 2015, 02:08:09 AM »
done all that. and both bot and streamer are logged in

Help/Support / Cant use chat in either streamer chat or bot chat..
« on: September 19, 2015, 01:56:08 AM »
Any help appreciated..

i have just installed Deep bot on my new computer, and cannot chat in either the bto chat or the streamer chat.. Any ideas..

on the old system i used to be able to type and it would appear in the chat itself, ic annot any more..


Feature Requests / Re: follower bonus
« on: September 18, 2015, 04:04:27 PM »
That option would also be great. It checks list first then if user hasnt had points in the month it then checks if they are a follower. This is a workaround that could work and would help greatly

Bug Reports / Cannot update main settnigs
« on: September 17, 2015, 10:04:14 PM »
Whenever i try to update the main settings, im getting the following error. im sure ive seen this on the forums before

"User rank config incorrect for rank 2, next ranks requirement needs to be higher than previous rank.!"

Streamer Introductions / Krappleby - gaming and chat
« on: September 17, 2015, 08:32:57 PM »
Hey guys. Im keith, recently started streaming and currently have 50+ followers.

Over the last few years i have struggled with money issues and a few friends / gamers really helped me out. So now im passing that help onto other gamers, now that money is not a problem. So i started my stream. Every month i purchase and give away one or ßore ps4/xbox 1 products to my followers. Games, contollers, and othee stuff. I needed a better bot than ßoobot so i have purchased deepbot and am supporting ongoing development with a monthly subscription.

I have also just purchased the agato hd 60 and xsplit in order to stream through a pc. Rather than my ps4.

Feel free to stop by the channel anytime.


Help/Support / Re: raffle length
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:20:51 PM »
Ok. So daft question. Where are the main administration settngs. I cant fnd them.

Secondly. How would i set up a ccommand to do that allocate 100 points to followers each month. Any help appreciated. As i said really new to this.

Admin. Anz chance of adding a days column to the raffle countdown please?

Willing to pay extra for the time: )

Cheers keith

Help/Support / Re: raffle length
« on: September 17, 2015, 11:00:39 AM »
Thanks for the reply mitch.

Firstly your response to my questions regarding points to followers, is ok when i have only 20 - 50 followers, manually, that is fine, but when you get to 1000 that would be a little futile. i wanted to know if their is someway to do this automatically.

also i cannot seem to add any one as a mod, i choose the option, press save, but when i go back into it they are not mods.

also the points are not allocating, i have had the bot in the room all night, even as a basic member it should have recieved 1 point every five minute, but it has not recieved any.


Help/Support / raffle length
« on: September 17, 2015, 02:32:27 AM »
Im new to this system, having just bought the program, but i have a few questions..

1. is their anyway to increase the raffle duration to longer than 24 hours.. I hold one raffle a month on my channel, for a free game of the viewers choice, and woul d like to set the raffle up so that they can purchase tickets all month. Is this possible?

2. i cannot seem to change the users rank.

3. i need a way to check if a user is a follower, and then if they are to allocate 100 credits to their account automatically each month. is this possible (i know twitch stopped user lists, so can it be done when someone enters the chat, and if so how do i go about it?)

Thanks, thats all for now..

Twitch channel - Krappleby

Feature Requests / Re: Trivia
« on: September 16, 2015, 10:49:41 PM »
yes, love trivia bots.. would definately use this

Feature Requests / follower bonus
« on: September 16, 2015, 06:54:32 PM »
Ok.. so i have read that twitch is limiting its follower list download, so i ask for the following

i would liek to allocate my followers, a set number of points/coins per month.. to do this.. i need to get hold of a followers list.. which we cannot do properly. so is their a way.. the system can do the following

1. when a user comes into the channel it retrieves data on that user. if the user is a follower, it checks to see if that follower has recieved his points this month. if not it allocates the points, if they have it does nothing..

Or is this an api script someone can make for me.. (payment availalbe within reason)


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