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Messages - spoonman54321

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yeah that's.... that's great, except when it comes to reading or creating code for anything I have the IQ of a slug. explain it like i'm five? (if you have time of course, and thanks for the help)

not to necro+hijack this thread, but this would be very useful. i'd like to be able to get this for the channel Ashaife. i'm a mod there i'm not just randomly being creepy. ideally it would be generated in a couple weeks, as of jan 28th 2016

Help/Support / use deepbot as a mod?
« on: November 11, 2015, 11:52:04 AM »
So I don't stream myself I just mod for a channel and the streamer suggested that I install deepbot myself and they'll give me all the login info and whatever so I can help them run things and they can focus more on the game and not do administrative stuff during stream.

My question is, is that even a thing that's possible? Could I run the bot and the streamer run the bot simultaneously with full access? For now I've just been managing it with commands which allows me to do a large portion of things, but some things can only be done by the bot client.

and if it is possible, how exactly do we go about getting this working?

Help/Support / Re: current date variable
« on: October 23, 2015, 12:27:23 PM »
thanks for the reply

I do know about the built in highlight command, but I don't like it and i'd rather use the custom one. My issue with it is that it outputs the actual time rather than the stream uptime. without the stream uptime on the note searching through the vod can become a nightmare, or you have to remember exactly what time the stream went live and do the math every time.

the built in highlight command can record the actual date so deepbot can definitely do it, but is there a way to have it put into a custom command as a variable?

Help/Support / current date variable
« on: October 23, 2015, 08:59:22 AM »
I have this command right now:
command: !hl
code: Highlight "@target@" recorded at @uptime@! @savelog@[Highlights.txt,@uptime@ Possible highlight @target@ recorded by @user@]
input: !hl funny thing that happens
output to chat: Highlight "funny thing that happens" recorded at 1 hour 4 minutes!
output to text file: 1 hour 4 minutes Possible highlight funny thing that happens recorded by SpoonMan54321

I would like to add one small thing to this, the date the highlight was recorded. Very often I won't get to go back to this for some time, and while I can kind of filter through it and figure out which day, it would be better to just have it there. For now I've been just adding the date manually as part of the @target@, but I would like to be able to do it automatically. Can that be done?


Help/Support / Re: output game last played?
« on: October 22, 2015, 01:57:41 AM »
THANK YOU! This worked perfectly!

Is there a list of useful customapi variables I can see? I'm always looking for new ways to make the bot more useful.

Help/Support / Re: output game last played?
« on: October 21, 2015, 10:20:26 AM »
Hey thanks for the reply, no I don't think my question was actually clear sorry.

It's for shouting out other streamers that come into the channel. They wouldn't be actively playing a game at that moment, but what I'd want is something like this output:

command - !shoutout @target@
output - "Go follow @target@ because they're awesome at The last game they were playing is [some variable that will find that information]"

I know if I use @game@ and their channel isn't live it just won't output anything. I hope that makes more sense.

Help/Support / output game last played?
« on: October 21, 2015, 06:59:56 AM »
I know many other bots have the ability to find what game a streamer last played for a shoutout command. Does deepbot have that? I've been looking through and can't seem to find anything that does that.

Help/Support / Re: Raffle question - multiple winners single raffle?
« on: September 27, 2015, 01:02:41 AM »
well that's... um..... ridiculously easy.


thanks for the response. I'll just.... show myself out.... derp.

Help/Support / Raffle question - multiple winners single raffle?
« on: September 26, 2015, 10:18:07 PM »
A channel I mod for has been getting trolls joining Quiplash games pretty often, so we've turned to whispering the codes manually to each person. That works decently, but when there's more than 7 people that want to play it comes down to basically mod's choice or people spamming the channel with "hey let me play". Not really fair.

What I'd like to do is run a quick keyword raffle and pick 7 winners from the same raffle. Can deepbot have more than one winner in a single raffle? If so how exactly do I do this with commands?


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