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Messages - ScavengerHD

Pages: [1]
Thanks, it worked out! Think I did something wrong

Thanks alot!

I am using studio's. The donation button is perfect tho

The following alert, the follower is right on top of the thanks for following

Hello there, let me introduce myself. My name is ScavengerHDD, I started streaming 2 years ago. I stopped streaming because a hard time in real life and so. From now on, I wanna start picking up the stream, but still the only viewers I got are my friends.

I like gaming, so that's the reason why I started streaming, bringing over my enjoyment to other people.
By this way I wanna try to get some viewers to my stream, and let them see and know what I feel and like.

I hope this works, and I hope you guys know me a littlebit from now on.

I hope to see you back on my stream!

Can you guys please put this new pictures in notifications? :)

Both are in this link

Feature Requests / Follower notification
« on: December 11, 2015, 08:35:43 PM »
I dont have the feature to have follower notifications. How to set this up?

Closed Beta Applications / Re: Closed Beta Applications Phase 2 - Now Open
« on: December 09, 2015, 01:50:28 AM »
[ENG/NL] H1Z1 [Survival] The real Bill Grills! // !songrequest on

1. Watching Dodevrouw 's stream. He told me to get it.
2. ScavengerHDD
3. ScavengerHDDBot
4. Mon - Fri [12:00 - 20:00] Sat - Sun [19:00 Till I am tired]
5. No
6. 10 - 20
7. Only using nightbot. Nothing else.

Donation done.
transaction ID for this payment is: 35G410137F072341P.

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]