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Messages - LigaMMO

Pages: [1] 2
Bug Reports / Deepbot problem ! Please take a look
« on: December 10, 2016, 10:31:39 PM »
Hello guys, my deepbot run as administrator and i never see this error before.

I have installed everything deepbot ask and is the first time i see this.

Can you guys help me ?

Name Changes / Name chamge.
« on: December 01, 2016, 11:25:37 AM »
Current Stream Name: PuriPlay

New Stream Name: HaterMMO

The bot name i already know how to change.

Thank you.

Name Changes / Re: Name Change.
« on: October 13, 2016, 11:37:04 PM »
Hi sir, thank you for the change, but now i'm having a problem :

Did everything different and still getting this error.

Can you help me ?

Name Changes / Name Change.
« on: October 11, 2016, 07:01:46 AM »
Hi guys, i need change my stream name and streamer name.

Current Stream Name: ligammo
Current Streamer Name : ligammo
Current Bot Name: batgordo

New Stream Name: puriplay
New Streamer Name : puriplay
New Bot Name: batgordo

thank you.

Hello guys.

i'm trying seach for a API command for Deepbot to give a view who followed my channel a x points with a !command 1 time only.

Have any ways to do this with deepbot ?

Help/Support / Re: Problem with payment and vip system on my account.
« on: July 12, 2016, 11:02:46 PM »
Hi sir.

The problem still there, i get now 11 ago, but must be 25.

i know this its a little problem, but you guys can help me with it ?

Thank you deepbot team ;)

Help/Support / Re: Problem with payment and vip system on my account.
« on: July 09, 2016, 01:05:54 PM »
I will let the Dev know, however next time, I recommend waiting till your gold star turns bronze at the top of the program, that way you don't lose any VIP days.

I didnt know about that and on website dont say nothing, you guys can fix it ?

And next time i'll wait to my vip end first :D

Help/Support / Problem with payment and vip system on my account.
« on: July 09, 2016, 11:33:46 AM »
Hello guys, i started use Deepbot on May 24 and have vip until 25 Jul.

Today i wanted to extend the service for more 1 month but look like i lost 16 days and now my vip end on 9 aug (30 days, but my vip must end on 25 aug)... can you guys check it and fix it ?

Thank you.

Feature Requests / Integration with Team Speak 3
« on: June 15, 2016, 09:08:54 PM »
I see you guys doing a great work with Discord, so i my suggest a integration with Team speak 3 maybe ?

Well here some functions :

1 - Automatic login with a command (Generate a link to people connect on the server)

2 - Time on Team Speak server = points on bot

3 - Subs get a special group on TS automatic

4 - Donators get special group on TS

5 - Message with how many people have on TS

I dont kinow if this can happen, but why dont try give some ideas, right ? ^^"

Help/Support / Deepbot links filter dont work without www and https
« on: May 31, 2016, 10:34:42 PM »
Hi, like i said to Joe, Deepbot dont filter links without www and https

This is the screen shot he ask me.

Link for the image :

1 - A friend of my

2 - LigaMMO

3 - NaveMae

4 - Everyday at midnight or night

5 - No

6 - I started my stream recently and want make a professional Stream.

7 - No

PS.: I send 15$ to get 2 month V.I.P !

System Edit : Application accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

I was watching the vip+stream and wiki.

Well, i want know if the bot and all his features (vip or free) have support with xsplit, because on wiki i only see features with OBS, and i have a 2 years plan with xsplit.

I'm not thinking about go to OBS.

All the status and setup on this page :

Will work with xsplit too ?

I'm using right now nightbot, but i want a profissional stream and reward who stay watch my stream with giveaway some months and i see deepbot fit on it.

Hello guys, i have few question :

If i pay the 10$, i'll have acess for all closed beta in the future ?

Anyone know if when the bot launches, i'll need purchase he again ?

This 5$ vip, give online points, members ranks, giveaway option ?

I can change a rank of a user who follow my twitch without need him watch my stream for hours or days ?

This bot support xsplit ?

I'm able to translate the msgs from the bot ?

Thank you for your time, i really thinking to pay the 10$ to have it, but i still have these questions to be answered.

Thank you.

Help/Support / Re: Information before payment.
« on: December 27, 2015, 09:53:40 AM »
I was going do the the payment bu i read this "Do note, that this payment would only be for entry into the closed beta and would not give you any ownership or license over the application once released."

So this 10$ is to join closed beta only ? When the bot realase i'll need re-purchase again or something like that ?

Help/Support / Re: Information before payment.
« on: December 27, 2015, 09:39:11 AM »
Okay, this was my question too.

If i pay 10$ so i'll have the basic of the deepbot and their commands right ? like !uptime, !game and others customs commands right without need buy or pay any month subscription, right ?

And if i pay 5$ per month i'll get this VIP status where i get more commands and thinks to do ? if i not pay i'll still kepp with deppbot basic commands, right ?

You can see the VIP features here:

You do have access to custom variables @uptime@ and @game@ and some others, but not all of them without VIP.

But if i dont want buy the vip for 5$, i'll still have acess to the deepbot standard features, right ?

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