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Messages - NihaoGaming

Pages: [1]
So what are questing adventures? Basically they are bankheist with more focus on story. Viewers can choose to join as !tank, !dps or !healer.

Conditions are the following:
tank > dps
dps > healer
healer > dps


Viewer1: !queststart
Bot: Viewer1 has started a questing adventure! Pick your destiny: !tank, !dps or !healer. Choose wisely!
Viewer1: !tank
Viewer2: !dps
Viewer3: !dps
Bot: Our hero's find themselves in a dark gloomy cave. You can feel a dark presence lurking up on you.
Bot: Suddenly a Troll, an Ogre & a Dark Shaman appears!

In this case the troll is dps, ogre tank & the dark shaman a healer. Viewers and monsters are matched in the same order as they are listed.

Viewer1(tank) > Troll(dps)
Viewer2(dps) < Ogre(tank)
Viewer3(dps) > Dark Shaman(Healer)

Bot:Round 1: Troll is knocked unconscious, Viewer2 is knocked unconscious, Dark Shaman is knocked unconscious.

At this point Viewer1(tank), Viewer3(dps) & the Ogre (tank) are still up and fighting. This means that two tanks will fight each other which will result in both of them getting knocked unconscious.

Bot:Round 2: Viewer1 is knocked unconscious, Ogre is knocked unconscious
Bot: Viewer3 is still alive & helps his comrades getting up on their feet. You then proceed to finish off the monsters!
Bot: The quest was a success! Our hero's are awarded with @winamount@ @pointsname@

It would be interesting to have a mix of fixed adventures where the monsters are always the same to let the viewers try to organize adventures and theory craft (monster specialization is never revealed to the viewers)

But also having random generated dungeons where both the flavor text and monsters are random when the requirements for a fixed quest isn't met.

What we would need is a tool for making our own quests and maybe a shared deepbot db where we can upload & share our quests!

Thank you for taking your time to read this.

1. Google
2. NihaoGaming
3. BootyBayGuard
4. Varies alot, depending what shift I work. Weekends usually whole days.
5. No
6. 5-15 (started streaming 1 month ago)
7. Yes, using Phantombot but I could also move my points manually.

System Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta requires a minimum entry fee of $10. Please see first post for more details.

Pages: [1]