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Messages - Druitt_streams

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Are .swf files supported for notifications?

Feature Requests / Re: Recent Subscriber/Donator/Subs Today
« on: June 06, 2014, 09:05:59 PM »
+1 I'd like to have some kind of tracking as well. # of follows and names for the day? Invade you miss someone.

There is a section of text "has donated" which code do I need to edit that? I got the rest all changed color and text size but that is the only pice I'm having trouble edditing.

swing by the stream? i'll be live for another 2 hours if you could help me get it all setup!

also how do i change the text from yellow to blue? same for the follower.

awesome! one more question tho. how do i get the white to dissapear? there isnt a chroma key function. and i still see all of the white around the png.

Feature Requests / Re: Bank heist
« on: May 30, 2014, 08:43:34 AM »
For some users probably. but I already have 15 people who que up every time it's off cool down for 8 hours strait! They would eat it up!

Guides, Tutorials & Demo Videos / Re: Betting explained
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:27:12 AM »
I'll be making a tutorial explaining the betting tomorrow! I'll try and remember to post it in this thread.

Guides, Tutorials & Demo Videos / Re: Deepbot Tutorial
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:23:58 AM »
Through browsing YouTube there is little to no coverage of deepbot. Durring tomorrow's stream I'll be making a series of tutorials hi lighting and explaining each feature. I'll keep you guys posted! Either here or I'll start a new thread.

Would be as simple as having a shared database on a could server instead of hosted locally?  Get the issues of multiple clients saving to the same file without losing data and that should be pretty easy to do. I will toss a +1 on this.

Feature Requests / Bank heist
« on: May 28, 2014, 11:09:18 AM »
Had an idea... Maybe give viewers the option to "buy" armor, weapons, and bags to increase the %chance of surviving swat teams or increasing payout? And having a small extra bonus based on VIP level? As it stands right now people love the shit out of the bank heists . Give them something else to work towards and they would go ape shit! Or set it up so it would only be good for the next heist or till they were Kia? Don't know of its a possibility but it would open up tuns of fun stuff to do.


You are awesome experts! Thank you so much.

Awesome! works amazing!  how do i get this to work with the donations as well? i copied and pasted in the same css into the donations as well and it's not working? what lines need to be changed?

Guides, Tutorials & Demo Videos / Re: Deepbot Tutorial
« on: May 26, 2014, 06:27:24 AM »
Yea exactly. And it's good for my viewers so they understand how it works. Drives traffic to my YouTube as well as eliminates a bunch of the same questions all day!

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