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Messages - chaos1123

Pages: [1]
Name Changes / Name Change
« on: August 30, 2018, 06:59:18 AM »
Current Stream Name:Chaos11234
Current Bot Name:thejasonbot

New Stream Name:x_chaos1123_x
New Bot Name:thejasonxbot

Bug Reports / Error don't have license with the bot i created
« on: January 27, 2016, 11:52:25 PM »
Just to say i already messaged this out to the person who emailed me the link to download deepbot. I made a terrible mistake on the beta application and can not use the bot name i requested. I need to change it to the new bot i created. but since my license is already set to the bot i cant use i cant switch it. can anyone help?

-Already donated-
1) From Reddit
4)I use to stream at night starting from 12am-9am EST time, I have rearranged my schedule now to morning/afternoon stream. I Stream on weekends around 11am-11pm EST, Weekdays are usually mornings from 9am-1am. Sometimes these times are changed during the week but the weekend stream times are consistent

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]