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Messages - GrimmThistle

Pages: [1]
Name Changes / Name Change Request (for someone else?)
« on: June 02, 2016, 05:35:08 AM »
Not sure if this will work, the streamer I moderate for needs a name change, he tried to make a post to request it but posted it in the wrong place, you can view it here:;area=showposts;u=8878

However, due to family emergencies and the like, I'm hoping that you guys can take his post and my post and make the change happen for him. If not, I'll notify him to make time to post it himself at a later time. Thank you for your time either way!

Current Stream Name: The_Happy_Hobbit
Current Bot Name: Hobbot_

New Stream Name: The_Happy_Hob
New Bot Name: Hobbot_

Thank you so much, we'll try this after the stream is done tonight! :)

So I made a topic about a month ago for the bot that runs in the stream I moderate for, was directed to the thread to apply for whitelisting of the bot. That worked great (and you guys had a fast response, thank you!) up until two nights ago, when we tried to enable the bot's ability to receive whispers as well as send them. When we first enabled the receiving of whispers, it worked great! We tested it out off-stream with a few users just to be sure it was good, but the next day, whispered commands wouldn't work at all (not even just the ones initiated from in-chat). I emailed Twitch to make sure it wasn't on their end, and they said they couldn't find anything wrong: "We’ve also confirmed the user can send and receive whispers normally, and can’t find any recent blocks for the user either."

The streamer has tried unchecking/rechecking the whisper enabling option (which was all we had to do to get it to work when we first tried it), and checked for updates, he says he updated it yesterday. Where do we start with troubleshooting this?

Help/Support / Re: Bot currency whispers breaking over time
« on: February 14, 2016, 11:52:41 AM »
Thank you so much! We've been wondering what it was this whole week! Your response was so fast and informative, and we'll definitely try your suggestion. :D

Help/Support / Bot currency whispers breaking over time
« on: February 14, 2016, 10:04:38 AM »
The stream I moderate for uses bets a lot, and so understandably the currency command gets a bit spammy. We tried switching the bot to whisper, and that worked, but only for a short time and then it stopped whispering people (not just a delay, the bot response just never showed up). Switching it back from whispers allowed the bot to respond in chat normally to currency requests. We made a custom command that would whisper the currency so we could have about 50/50 whispered and try to cut down the spam, but the whispers from this command also work for a while, then stop working until the bot is restarted, or until the next day. All of us from that stream are wondering what's wrong, and if it's something that has a known solution (though most forum posts I searched for were from very long ago and did not seem to describe this exact problem).

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