« on: March 01, 2016, 03:04:12 AM »
I am a streamer and have seen your product in other streamers channels and always was intrigued by it. I was wondering if i could have access to this product? I am a new streamer who streams destiny every night and would love to be able to reward my viewers for being loyal to me. I range from 15-30 viewers at any given time and these number continue to grow. Is there any way I could have permission to use your product? I could donate as well for permission to help you further improve your product if need be.
stream name: BigBadMZ
twitch bot account: BigBadMZBot
not partnered with twitch currently
not currently using a point system although I have watched several Deep Bot turoirals
I stream every night
15-30 viewers every night, continues to grow
System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!