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Messages - TramikTV

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Re: Retroactively Adding Currency/VIP Status
« on: May 02, 2016, 02:44:15 AM »
I tried installing DeepBot on a mounted drive, but I can still only launch it on my server.

I think I have a solution, though. I'm just going to use remote access to my server with the bot running, and share sound... should work.

Help/Support / Retroactively Adding Currency/VIP Status
« on: May 02, 2016, 02:23:06 AM »
I noticed that sometimes people might donate or follow while my bot is offiline. When the bot turns up again, does it know to add the points given for follows, and the VIP status if it was a donation?

If not, what's the best solution? I have a computer I use as a server, but if I run the bot on it, there's no audio for the notifications (since it doesn't actually have anything to do with my stream).

Help/Support / Re: Can't Adjust Donation Settings
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:06:47 PM »
Use Google Chrome's Incognito mode (Ctrl+shift+N)

That worked... thanks.

Help/Support / Can't Adjust Donation Settings
« on: April 22, 2016, 02:30:40 AM »
I think there's a problem with the website.

I tried Connect with Twitch, put in my twitch info, then the twitch login window went blank and I still can't connect to my account.

I tried in both IE and Chrome and the same thing happens.

Edit: Closed both brothers and re-opened, same issue. IE has a blank window open when I click Connect with Twitch, and in Chrome, the entire bottom portion is missing from the site and when I click Connect with Twitch, nothing happens at all.

Something is messed...

Edit2: Clearing my cache lets me try logging in via twitch again with my token, but again, just a blank popup and I can't connect.

Help/Support / Re: Custom currency and tickets
« on: April 12, 2016, 11:49:12 PM »
Damn. Ok. Thanks anyways.

Help/Support / Custom currency and tickets
« on: April 12, 2016, 12:23:22 PM »
Having a hard time getting this to work...

Basically, I want a currency called "Boonies" (points) that buys "Skulls" (tickets), and the correlating raffle announcement and commands.

For example:
Each Skull costs 10 Boonies, and you can buy a maximum of 25 skulls.
Type !skulls (x) to enter, where "x" is the number of skulls.

If I could further customize the message, that'd be even better.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Help/Support / Monitoring Follows/Donations/Subs
« on: April 11, 2016, 11:41:32 PM »
I apologize if this is answered elsewhere, just having trouble figuring this out.

I'm used to having a Dashboard for notifications so I can easily monitor a history of Follows/Donations/Subs, that way I can easily do my shout-outs after the fact. What's the easiest way to keep track of this via DeepBot? The donations page doesn't appear to have a section for it.

I assume there's a way in DeepBot itself that I'm not finding?

Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification WorkShop
« on: April 11, 2016, 11:38:44 PM »
Let me know if you want anything adjusted. Also make sure you installed the font you linked on your pc.

Dude - that's excellent. If possible could we make the gifs aboirt 50% smaller (basically the default size in the links)? They'd just take up too much room being that big. I think the text size is good. Thanks so much for your work.

Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification WorkShop
« on: April 10, 2016, 11:52:17 PM »
I tried using some examples as templates, I'm just having a hard time getting this right. I would really appreciate it if someone gave me a hand. Thanks in advance.

Follower Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Big Noodle Tilting (
Font Color: FFA600 (bright orange)
Any text fill/boarder?: Black border around text
Where do you want text located? User (Follower Name): To left of the image, centered vertically.
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?: It'd like it to read "@user@ followed!" with a 60px font

Donation Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: same
Font Color: same
Any text fill/boarder?: same
Currency Type: USD
Where do you want text located?(Text Options: Donator Name, Donation Amount, Message): same
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?: same as the follower just a different gif, please read as "@user@" donated @amt@!"

Subscriber Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: same
Font Color: same
Any text fill/boarder?: same
Where do you want text located? (Subscriber Name) same
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?: read as "@user@ just subscribed!"

Custom Notifications / Re: Custom Notification
« on: April 10, 2016, 01:58:54 PM »
The donation image, is a font link o.o

Whoops, sorry. There's the image.

Custom Notifications / Custom Notification
« on: April 10, 2016, 09:40:00 AM »
I tried using some examples as templates, I'm just having a hard time getting this right. I would really appreciate it if someone gave me a hand. Thanks in advance.

Follower Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: Big Noodle Tilting (
Font Color: FFA600 (bright orange)
Any text fill/boarder?: Black border around text
Where do you want text located? User (Follower Name): To left of the image, centered vertically.
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?: It'd like it to read "@user@ followed!" with a 60px font

Donation Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: same
Font Color: same
Any text fill/boarder?: same
Currency Type: USD
Where do you want text located?(Text Options: Donator Name, Donation Amount, Message): same
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?: same as the follower just a different gif, please read as "@user@" donated @amt@!"

Subscriber Alert

Image Link:
Font Style/Link: same
Font Color: same
Any text fill/boarder?: same
Where do you want text located? (Subscriber Name) same
Example (If applicable):
Anything else?: read as "@user@ just subscribed!"

Where did you hear about DeepBot from? - Saw it on a couple twitch streams and the twitch subreddit
What is your stream name? - TramikTV
What is your Twitch bot account name? - TramikBOT
What is your streaming schedule? Thursday and Fridays - 6PM-12AM, All other days on notice
Is your stream partnered with Twitch? No.
What is the average number of users in your channel? 15
Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? - No.

System Edit : Application accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

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