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Messages - mckannixx

Pages: [1]
German Support / Deepbot verbindet nicht
« on: September 16, 2016, 12:33:03 AM »
Hey Leute.
Ich habe seit gestern das problem das Deepbot nicht mehr connecten will. Kann das sein das er probleme hat zum Twitch Server zu verbinden? Weiß einer ne Lösung?

Danke schonmal im vorraus

1. The Streamer Decepticon 2012 Twitch
2. Mckannixx
3. McBotbutton
4. 7 Days in the week, every afternoon to evening
5. No
6. 10-20 Users
7. No i have only Nightbot

System Edit : Incorrect bot account. Please provide a valid Twitch account that you own and which the bot can use to connect to the Twitch servers with. This cannot be the same account as the stream account.

System Edit : Application accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

1. The Streamer Decepticon 2012 Twitch
2. Mckannixx
3. Mc Botbutton
4. 7 Days in the week, every afternoon to evening
5. No
6. 10-20 Users
7. No i have only Nightbot

System Edit : Incorrect bot account. Please provide a valid Twitch account that you own and which the bot can use to connect to the Twitch servers with. This cannot be the same account as the stream account.

Pages: [1]