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Messages - TwoToneGamer

Pages: [1]
Seen other streamers I know use Deepbot.
My Twitch Stream is TwoToneGamer.
I stream from 11am and 8pm weekdays. 7 hours a day. Week ends around 4 hours a day.
I am not partnered.
Average numbers is 5-10 per session.
I do not need to migrate any point system.
I donated 3 days ago.

Many thanks guys.

System Edit : Incorrect bot account. Please provide a valid Twitch account that you own and which the bot can use to connect to the Twitch servers with. This cannot be the same account as the stream account.

Help/Support / Downloading and Using Deepbot
« on: April 16, 2016, 07:10:29 PM »
Hi huys, regerstered a few days ago and donated. ow do I download Deepbot and start using it?

Cheers Guys.

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