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Messages - flatf1sh

Pages: [1]
Hi! I am very interested in using the Deepbot. It would make streaming much more easy and fun. I just supported the deepbot with $10.

1. I heard about the Deepbot from one of my twitch viewers called WiseArrow
2. My stream name is flatf1sh
3. The only account I have is
4. I stream everyday from 1PM/2PM till 9PM-11PM [7 days a week/6-15 hours a day]
5. My stream is not yet partnered with Twitch.
6. 15-30 viewers every stream.
7. I think I need to migrate another bot to Deepbot. It's called RevloBot. I use it so  that my viewers can gamble, and use their rewards on different things.

Looking forward to hear from you guys!

System Edit : Incorrect bot account. Please provide a valid Twitch account that you own and which the bot can use to connect to the Twitch servers with. This cannot be the same account as the stream account.

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