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Messages - Lionskull_89

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Re: Login AUTCH problem
« on: May 09, 2016, 08:28:41 PM »
Ive done them both.

Nothing works and the error tells me go to the forum.


Help/Support / Login AUTCH problem
« on: May 07, 2016, 08:36:27 PM »
Hello there Deepbot workers,

I have a issue, we are running a double stream on
The problem is that the Deepbot is working when im streaming, but when my mate streams on my channel he get's a error with Deepbot saying AUTC error.
I have reinstalled it put everything new on it, but still no working deepbot for him is my twitch, and the second account im using for deepbot is Lionskullbot


Lionskull_89 over here, and wanna make service of Deepbot.

Where did you hear about DeepBot from?
I found it in different channels troughout twitch.

What is your stream name?

What is your Twitch bot account name?
The only bot i can find, is NightBot or Wizebot. Wizebot uses my own name, to say things in chat.

What is your streaming schedule?
We dont have a schedule for now, because we are a beginning stream. We stream with 2 people on one account, one is PC gamer and the other one is PS4.

Is your stream partnered with Twitch?

What is the average number of users in your channel?
Around 10/20

Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot?
Im using nightbot and Wizebot, i think wizebot has points on it?

I just transferd $10,- on 29-4-2016 @ 16:50

System Edit : Incorrect bot account. Please provide a valid Twitch account that you own and which the bot can use to connect to the Twitch servers with. This cannot be the same account as the stream account.

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