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Messages - TSIXGaming

Pages: [1]
Thanks its working!

cool thanks!

I was approved for Closed Beta but I am receiving a Login Error:

"Your stream currently does not have access to the Closed Beta"

Bot: TSIXbot
Stream: TSIXGaming

Could someone check for me thanks, Dave

1. Where did you hear about DeepBot from? - liftgaming
2. Stream name? - TSIXGaming
3. Twitch bot account name? - TSIXbot
4. Streaming schedule? - 7 days from 10pm
5. Partnered with Twitch? - No
6. Average number of users in your channel? - ~10
7. Do you need to migrate? - No

System Edit : Application accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Streamer Introductions / TSIXGaming
« on: May 15, 2016, 09:06:42 PM »
Hello, my name is Dave from Bondi Beach Australia.
You can find me on I play Vanilla | TBC | and Dark Souls

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