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Messages - statuschance

Pages: [1]
Help/Support / Re: @Savelog @Message@ not working
« on: August 21, 2017, 04:53:28 AM »
I added this command and it successfully shows the confirmation but the actual text is not added to the .txt file.

Here is an example of what I want.

!addjamesstuff Hey this is a quote.

I want the "Hey this is a quote" added to the bottom of a txt file called jamesstuff.txt which is currently in the custom logs folder of deepbot. Right now, it won't add anything. In the custom commands documentation, it says to use @message@ but that does not work either. Hope this makes more sense.

Help/Support / @Savelog @Message@ not working
« on: August 20, 2017, 12:20:02 PM »
I am trying to add my own quote command that allows users to add commands to a textfile that already exists. Here is my command.

@savelog@[jamesstuff.txt, @message@]

I want the command to take whatever the user typed and add it as a new line in a txt file names jamesstuff (already exists). Also, is there any way to send a confirmation. If the quote was added, and a fail message if it did not add?

Thank you for the help.

1.) I used it on a previous channel
2.) statuschance
3.) jamiibobot
4.) W, Th, Fri  - 8PM - 11PM & Sat-Sun 12PM - 5PM
5.) I was previously a member of a partnered channel (gorillawolfgaming) this is my solo account
6.) 50-80 was the average on my previous channel
7.) no

System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!

Pages: [1]