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Messages - 1g2pta

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / So tired of bots entering giveaways....
« on: March 09, 2015, 09:30:08 AM »   Video show bots entering giveaways...
This was recorded few months back but i run a test when i can and bots are still to find sometimes... Its bots that auto join giveaways, and even link their tradeoffer link when they win :S

Its still happen and im so tired of it. I do a lot of giveaways everyday/week/months...500$ on giveaways monthly.....And i just want it to be fair...

Multiaccs is real.... i got like 80-120 viewers avg, but their is always 200-250 accs on the channel....

Is it nothing we can do to stop this unfair thing ? =( so sad

Help/Support / Re: Confused how to resubscribe
« on: March 09, 2015, 08:31:24 AM »
Yo what do u get xtra to subsribe? any link to what it is so i can read?

thx <3

« on: October 22, 2014, 09:38:19 PM »
i giveaway a lot of stuff on my stream, and last 2 weeks everytime i do a keyword raffle. 8/10 of winners is always new followers from same day or yesterday :o

any1 got same problem?


Feature Requests / Reward ppl points that request songs!
« on: October 12, 2014, 09:53:18 AM »
Atm im using nightbot for songrequest. And i always add ppl 25 points if i like the song.
I love that my viewers can request songs, and nothing makes me more happier than see 10+ songs on the list :D love it!

I would love to use deepbot as songrequest, but i wanne reward ppl for requesting songs.
Would be nice if it was a auto thing so i dont need to get out of my games and add ppl points.
Like a option like "how many songs" normal viewers/vips/mods can request, but in points instead.
Example normal viewer request a song, auto reward 10 points (or make a option that we can decide how much points they get auto) and if a vip request a song they get 25 points. But best with option so we can choose how much points they get.

Feature Requests / Cap points! Vip Bronze/silver/gold
« on: July 29, 2014, 03:45:11 PM »
Just an idea to reward the loyal viewers more!
I give some rly good viewers vips when they spend a lot time on my stream. But i wanne reward them more.
What do ppl think of max points to normal viewers? and limit of being bronze/silver/gold?

Example normal viewers get 1000 max points bronze: 2500 silver:5000 gold:unlimit?

The idea came from this awesome streamer that also using deepbot, Pachenko404

I do like 100-150 giveaways every week, and just wanne reward those who use a lot time on my stream.

Me personal would love to have the Cap points for different viewers

Help/Support / Donation alert
« on: July 06, 2014, 06:06:53 PM »
K i got the donation to work now but still got 2 question ^^

1. Is it possible to add a manual donation like we could do with the streamdonation.

2. Can we change the recent donation sound and top donation sound ourself? If we cant, what can we do to change it?

And btw u guys should consider take 2% of the donations or something for server cost/deepbot cost =)

Thx for answers <3

Help/Support / Donation page
« on: July 05, 2014, 05:14:50 PM »
Hi i saw my donation page was created. But when i wanted it i thought i was suppose to enter the email i used when i register on deepbot. So on the donation site it shows the wrong email atm.
Can u change the current email to my paypal email pls.

thx for the help <3

Feature Requests / Re: New Donation Notification Functionality
« on: June 24, 2014, 06:03:37 PM »
Message sent! Keep up the good work <3

Feature Requests / A way to see multi accs?
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:05:36 AM »
I got the deepot to do more fair giveaways to my loyal viewers. So those who stay long on the stream got bigger chance to win than giveaway surfers.
But lately i seen i got like 30-35 viewers and on the giveaway list i see 45-50 entries...And Chatlist shows like 50 accs..
So some ppl like to have more accs for bigger chance to win. Would be so awesome to have a way to see ppl that use multi accs....
Dont even know if  deepbot can do it but would love to perma bann ppl that use unfair method to win giveaways =)

Very happy with the deepbot so far and will keep donate each mounth :D

Help/Support / Re: New to deepbot, few question
« on: June 22, 2014, 09:34:24 AM »
any1 pls? got some ffew rly loyal viewers that i wanne promote vip =)

Help/Support / New to deepbot, few question
« on: June 20, 2014, 04:07:39 AM »
Just got the deepbot today and im so happy =) Just got some few question..

1. Is it a command to restart all the points? like delete all users point and put it back to 0. I wanne restart it every sunday.
2. How do i make some viewers get Vip bronze/silver/gold class so they earn more points than normal viewers. Just wanne reward ppl that have donated.

Thx for taking time to answer <3

1. From a new streamer i rly like
2. 1g2pta
3. bumblebeeBot
4. 18.00-00.00 CET
5. no
6. 20
7. nope

Donated! Keep up with the good work with this bot! seen it on many streams and its looks awesome!
I would be verrry happy to try this out <3

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

Help/Support / Twitch bot account name?
« on: June 19, 2014, 06:20:00 PM »
Have donated and wanne try the deepbot out. And just wanne be sure that i understand this right..

"Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to)"
This means that i need to make 1 new twitch acc and valid it right? cuz i got 1 twitch acc only.

Thx for the help <3

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