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Messages - makimera

Pages: [1]
Guides, Tutorials & Demo Videos / Re: Redemption system for points
« on: November 13, 2016, 06:30:44 PM »
Hi, been trying to use this redeemption system.
And i get the fail status to work, with "not enogh credits"

but i can't get the messages in "The full successful command action looks like this:"

It's just empty after i do "!redeem 1"
but it takes the points

ive copy and pasted everything, but still wont work for some reason

Help/Support / point vip system
« on: November 13, 2016, 06:27:16 PM »

Im pretty new to DeepBot (bought it yesterady) and have been playing around with this great software now for the last 24 hours.
The thing is, i found the costum command

However this command ranks people up after the amount of hours the viewer has been there.
I would like to make a system that let's viewers use thire @points@ to level up. something ive seen on another stream.

But i have no idea how to do it. ive tried mixing the Redeemption system
with the rank up system, but that just ends up breaking everything.

So thats where i am at right now, anyone got any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.


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