Help/Support / Re: Need help on IF statements in commands
« on: January 21, 2017, 08:02:54 AM »
Thanks for the reply.... I tried the if statement you provided to no avail... When I use the if statement you provided, it only returns the false text.... I tried switching the true and false around but nothing worked. Here are the two I tried:
@if@[@target@||||@user@ the Knight has requested @target@ airstabs from SirEnzlow, at the price of @calc@[*|@target@|5] @pointsname@! @editpoints@[@user@|-@calc@[*|@target@|5]]||Airstabs cost 5 Ingots each, please specify how many airstabs you want to request.]
@if@[@target@||||Airstabs cost 5 Ingots each, please specify how many airstabs you want to request.||@user@ the Knight has requested @target@ airstabs from SirEnzlow, at the price of @calc@[*|@target@|5] @pointsname@! @editpoints@[@user@|-@calc@[*|@target@|5]]]
@if@[@target@||||@user@ the Knight has requested @target@ airstabs from SirEnzlow, at the price of @calc@[*|@target@|5] @pointsname@! @editpoints@[@user@|-@calc@[*|@target@|5]]||Airstabs cost 5 Ingots each, please specify how many airstabs you want to request.]
@if@[@target@||||Airstabs cost 5 Ingots each, please specify how many airstabs you want to request.||@user@ the Knight has requested @target@ airstabs from SirEnzlow, at the price of @calc@[*|@target@|5] @pointsname@! @editpoints@[@user@|-@calc@[*|@target@|5]]]