Closed Beta Applications / Updated Sorry i messed up
« on: July 07, 2014, 05:31:55 AM »
1:I found out about deep bot in imcoty's Stream
2: My twitch name is Aerostorrm
3: My bots name is StorrmBot
4: Mon-Sun 3pm est - 6-7pm est
5: I am not partenered with Twitch
6: i ussally get a average of 30-40 Viewers.
7: I do not need to transfer points
Experts Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta is only open to donors. Please see first post for more details.
2: My twitch name is Aerostorrm
3: My bots name is StorrmBot
4: Mon-Sun 3pm est - 6-7pm est
5: I am not partenered with Twitch
6: i ussally get a average of 30-40 Viewers.
7: I do not need to transfer points
Experts Edit : Application unsuccessful. Current phase of Beta is only open to donors. Please see first post for more details.